Chapter 104

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Gen's POV~

The last two weeks have been hell. This new job is NOT what I signed up for. Everyone one of my patients are so ill they are unconscious most of the time. I don't know if I've just getting assigned them by coincidence or what but I don't know how much more death I can take.

The first week without Harry was hard, I needed to distance myself because if his sobriety failed that would be the time.

But it didn't.

He kept strong, calling me every night. Asking when he could see me next.

With our new schedules it was really hard to see each other. When I did have a free night my mother went off on me.


"Mom, can you watch Ever so I can go out tonight?"

"Sorry Imogen, I have plans." She said coldly.

"I haven't seen Harry in a week, please mom?" I plead.

"I have a life too you know, I think I've put it on hold long enough so now that you are home more it's time for you to take back your responsibilities. Plus you shouldn't be around that boy, he's a waste of time." My mom snapped at me.

She's never talked to me like this before.

"Maybe you should get to know him before you judge him." I quipped and walked away.


Harry being the amazing man he was understood of course, but I could tell that he was upset. I promised him we would see each other soon.

My new boss invited a few co-workers and I out for drinks for the following Saturday, I wanted to say no but at the same time needed to build professional relationships with my co-workers. I didn't even bother asking my mom to watch Ever, Talia offered to take her for the night which was a relief.

Harry's told me that Len lied about sleeping with Niall but I honestly don't care. I'm more concerned Niall is using Harry but Harry assures me he is not.


Going through the week Harry and I talked a bit more, he was bummed I had a work thing tonight but understood. I was hoping by building relationships with my co-workers I would get out of the spot I was in.

I didn't know where we were going tonight and since it was with my boss and co-workers I decided to play it safe with an all black dress that hit right at my knee paired with some pumps and pull my hair half back.

Suddenly there's a knock at my door, I answer it to see my boss. He's a bit shorter then me with dark tan skin, brown eyes and black hair.

"Good evening Gen." He says smiling.

"Evening Mr. Malik."

"Please, call me Zayn." He muses and steps aside.
"Ladies first." He motions with his arm to a limo. A few of our co-workers were already inside.

"Is anyone else joining us?" My colleague Joann asks.

"My wife is meeting us there." He says with a wink. "You ladies will need these. He adds handing masks out and I knew what that meant.

The dungeon.

"Why would you take a group of your employees to a BDSM club Mr. Malik?" I ask and he raises his brow.

"Why would a child psychologist be familiar with such a place Dr. Horan?" He retorts. "We aren't going into the sex club part of course, they have an amazing bar and club downstairs. And please I asked you to call me Zayn sweetheart." He says clicking his tongue.

My co-workers shot me all kinds of looks, I felt embarrassed but more so uneasy.

I don't have a good feeling about this.

Once the limo pulls up Zayn leads us into the bar and sits us at a round booth in the back corner.

"What will everyone have to drink tonight? And don't tell me you don't drink or I'll show up with tequila." He smirks. The girls gave their orders and when it came to me I just ask for a pineapple and malibu knowing it wouldn't get me drunk. 

A few minutes later her returns with our drinks, the delicious sweet liquid soothes my nerves a bit and before I knew it I had already drank half of the drink.

"Ah, there you are baby!" Zayn calls out to a tall beautiful blonde with blue green eyes. She comes closer to the table and smirks at me evilly.

"Hello Gen."


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