Chapter 25

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May 2017 (present day)

Harry's POV~

All during the walk over to the gym I couldn't get one particular thought out of my mind.

Gen and Carolina are so different, complete opposites if you will.

Carolina was a winter and spring, she was always slow to warm up but once she did she blossomed. She was shy and reserved, quiet and kind.

But Gen, she's a summer and fall. She's bright and in your face like the hot summer sun. She's warm and inviting like the early fall breeze. Her aura is literally fire. She's strong and determined, but at the same time caring and funny.

Fuck why couldn't I of had a dude therapist?

I just finished my chest workout and she was still on the treadmill. "You almost done?" I ask but no answer. "Gen!" She jumps slightly and yanks out her earbuds. "You almost done?"

"Why? You need the treadmill?" She asks as she slows to a jog.

"Yea, trade me?" I offer and she nods at the treadmill slows to a stop. We swap machines and I quickly get up to a run while Gen uses the weight bench. Her strength was pretty impressive, I've actually never worked out with a woman before. Carolina was never interested in joining me at the gym which was probably a good thing as I would need to help her the entire time. But Gen knows her way around a gym. 15 minutes into my run Gen got off the weight bench and went back to the mat in between the treadmill and bench.

Holy shit, she's doing burpees.

Ok Harry, self control.

Don't get a boner, don't get a boner.

Kiwi kiwi kiwi kiwi kiwi.

I hit the speed up on the treadmill to kill my sexual energy. After I hit the half hour mark I can barely catch my breath as sweat pours from every pore of my body. Gen finishes a burpee, rips her tank top off leaving her in a sports bra and collapses on the mat, after slowing the treadmill down to a stop I follow suit as we both try to catch our breaths.

"Ok, you go pretty hard. I'll give you that." She wheezes out.

"You're pretty impressive yourself, if I had known there was a pool I would of brought my trunks to cool off."

"I usually just go in anyways. Not like anyone cares." She said jumping up.


Gen's POV~

When he mentioned I then realized my mission in life.

Get Harry soaking wet.

Fuck, I'm going to be eat A LOT of kiwis tonight.

"You coming?" I ask looking down on him and offering a hand. He reaches up, takes it and goes to get up but ends up pulling me down on top of him.

Fuck he's solid.

Wait, I'm on top of Harry.

I landed straddling his lap with my hands of either side of his head holding me up.

Well that escalated quickly.

"Uh Gen? You're on my-"

Dick.. I'm on his dick.

Ok I need to get in the water NOW.

I quickly climb off of him as he swallows a moan. "Sorry about that, you're a lot heavier then I thought you would be." I say awkwardly and Harry nods with his hands ever so casually covering his erection.

And let me tell you... It was BIG.

"I really need to get in the water." He mumbles as he walks to the door leading to the pool.

"Me too." I whisper under my breath before following him.

I quickly slide my shoes and socks off while Harry struggles with his, chuckling to myself I wait until he's peeling his second sock off to put my plan into motion.

I go to walk past him and bump my hip into him sending him flying into the pool.

"What the fuck Gen?" Harry roared as I giggled.

"Oops, forgot to tell you it wasn't heated!" I laugh out as he shivers.

"I'm going to get you back for that." He seethed.

"Mmhm, love to see you try Styles." I dare him mischievously before going over the the closet and grabbing two towels. "Harry?" I call out after turning around to find him gone. "Harry where are you?" I yell as I walk to the pool. Suddenly two large hands wrap around my waist and pull me into the water with him."Harry!!" I squeal as I surface.

"Told you I'd get revenge." Harry said with a smug look I wanted to suck off his face.

Slap, I said slap off his face.

"Yea yea whatever. So I need to go over a few things for the program since we cut our session short earlier and I'll probably be gone by the time you wake up. You have a phone in your room, it's programmed to only call me, the clinic, your mother, your sister and 911."

"Why would I need to call the clinic?" He asks curiously.

"If you get hurt or stuck, I don't know! Anyways, this is a reward program so for every 60 days you are clean you get a reward." I explain.

"Like a cookie?" Harry smirks.

"No smart ass, the first 60 days is usually a trip to one of the rehab resorts in mexico. The second is more up to you, if sobriety is maintained of course."

"A trip alone doesn't sound like a reward now does it?" He points out.

"You wouldn't be alone, a staff member accompanies you. It's usually your therapist but I'm sure Tess would love to go with you." I tease.

"Oh God, anyone but her." He pleads.

"What? Her boyish charms do nothing for you?" I retort rolling my eyes.

"I like my women with a little more..."

"Tits and ass?" I sass.

"You are something else you know that?" Harry said beaming at me.

Oh I know, trust me I know.

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