Chapter 40

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May 2017~
Harry's POV~

No, this can't be.

"I'm sorry what?" 

"I have cancer Harry." Louis confirms sadly as Gen looks down and plays with her fingers, I could tell she wanted to touch me..

She wanted to comfort me.

"It's treatable right?" I ask, I cannot lose my best friend on top of everything.

"You remember how you used to get on me about cigarettes? Telling me they were going to kill me one day?" Louis asks and I nod. "Well looks like you were right." He adds with a chuckle.

How can he laugh about this?

"It's not treatable Harry." Gen whispers and Louis nods.

"It's stage 4, it's already spread through most of my body. " Louis adds sadly. "It's just a matter of time now."

"You have to try at least Louis."

"Harry listen to me." He pauses. "I'm not a good man, I've done so much I regret. My entire life nothing has worked out for me, you know this better then anyone. The last 6 years we have both let drugs and alcohol control our lives. We can finally be free, you with your sobriety and me... Well I need a fresh start. A new life."

"How long?"

"Not long at all, they say two months at the most. I sold the house because I went into hospice. I didn't even walk in here Harry." Louis says as he nods towards a wheelchair in the corner. "I can only walk 15-20 feet now." He adds sadly. "But the real reason I'm here is this." Louis shoves a massive stack of papers towards me.

"What is this?"

"I'm leaving everything to you. I have no family left as you know, you are all I have Harry. Everything is in there, my doctors already have my DNR on file. I've already signed everything letting them know NOT to treat me. I do not want this life prolonged Harry. I need a clean slate." Louis says as tears form in his ice blue eyes. 

"Could I come see you?" I ask quietly.

"If you can and want to I would really like that." Louis answers and I look over at Gen.

"As long as you maintain sobriety I have no problem bringing you to see him whenever you like Harry." She assures me.

She's an angel, My only angel. 

"Harry I know this is a hard time, I know you are dealing with all the demons of your past. But bro this is how we can fix our lives, get better. We've lived that life, tastes that poison. You.. You have to survive this. You have to get clean and live your life, for the both of us." Louis pleads. 

I didn't say anything. I just walked over to him, sat in front of him and pulled him in for a hug. Louis's body felt so frail, like I could break him.

But in fact it was him that was breaking me.

He pulled back and held my face. "You'll get through this ok Harry?" Louis says with tears streaming down his cheeks as they begin to flow from my eyes as well.

"Mr Tomlinson we have to get you back to the hospital now." A male nurse says as he pulls Louis's wheelchair along side of us.

I help Louis to his feet and hug him again.

"I love you Harry." He whispers.

"I love you too Louis."

In a manly way ok? In a cool way.

Gen walks up besides me and places her hand on my back as she rubs small circles with her fingertips.

"Please take care of him Dr Horan." Louis says nodding at her.

"I will, we will see you soon Louis." She says smiling.

He gives a slight salute before being rolled off and I collapse into the couch sobbing. Gen stands in front of me as I lean my head against her stomach, wrap my warms around her thighs and sob into her shirt.

"Shhh it will be ok Harry." She whispers as she runs her hands through my hair.

We just stayed there like that for who knows how long, my sobbing had stopped and suddenly I was angry. I let go of Gen and push her away from me.

"Baby don't shut me out." Gen pleads.

"I just need to be alone."

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