Chapter 112

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Harry's POV~

I said it, I finally said it. No interruptions, just my words.

"I am so completely in love with you Gen, I've been trying to tell to ever since Mexico.(New York)." I gush as new tears fall from her eyes.

"I'm in love with you too Harry." She whispers before rising on her tip toes and kissing me gently.

"As touching as this all is you cannot be serious." Gen's mom snaps, we break from the kiss to look at her in shock. "Imogen I forbade you from seeing him for a damn good reason."

"I'm an adult mother." Gen snaps back narrowing her eyes.

"Good you can do all this without me then." Her mom seethes pointing at Gen. "Whatever this is, it's so wrong it's sick!" She says pointing between the two of us.

"Look Mrs. Gallagher-"

"I'm divorced." She snaps.

Well fuck you, I don't know your name and I don't want to just call you bitch like I probably should.

"Her name is Simara." Gen whispers to me.

Thank you Gen, you just saved me a slap across the face.

"Ok look Simara, I'm not the man I used to be-"

"Save it for someone who actually gives a fuck. I can't believe this Imogen! Are you seriously standing there and telling me that you love the man that turned his back on the sweet baby girl you've raised her entire life?" Simara growls.

"Yes." Gen states coldly as she approaches her mother. "I'm in love with him because he has changed but also because he had the heart to walk away from her before dragging her down with him."

"You will never have my blessing on this! This is so wrong." Simara spits but Gen holds her cool.

"Mom Harry saved me last night, you have no clue what ha-"

"Save it for someone who cares Imogen." She snarls then points to me. "When he walks away from you and Ever don't you dare come crying to me." She adds before storming out of the house.

Gen's shoulders start shaking as she sobs. Sighing I close the distance between us and wrap my arms around her.

I didn't want this, I didn't want Gen's mom to walk out of her life because of me.

"Baby I'm so sorry." I whisper, Gen raises her head and looks into my eyes.

"For what Harry? You did nothing, you have no reason to be sorry." She assures me before rising to her tiptoes and brushing her lips against mine. "I love you." She whispers.

"I love you." I reply softly before pressing my lips to hers more firmly. She tilts her head and deepens the kiss immediately as she unbuttons my shirt before pulling it off.

Without breaking the kiss I lean down, grab the back of her thighs and lift her up as I wrap her legs around my waist and make my way to the couch. After laying her down she pulls me on top of her and digs her nails into my back as I trail kisses down to her neck. 

Suddenly her phone begins to ring. "Shit we said we'd get Ever an hour ago." She huffs as I pull my body from hers. "I'm so sorry Talie, we had an emergency. You're at the park? Ok we'll be right there." She says before hanging up.

I already had my shirt buttoned and was ready to go, Gen grabs Ever's booster seat as we make our way to the door. Once in the car she gives me directions to the park Ever is playing at.


"Yes love?"

"I know you're her father and all, I legally have no rights over her..... Can you give her time to get to know you before we tell her though?" She asks cautiously.

"Of course and you are her mother Gen. You have spent the last almost seven years raising her with no father. DNA doesn't change that and nor will I." I reply smiling at her. "We can amend her birth certificate, add me as the father and change her last name when it comes time." I add with a smile and she nods.

"I just can't believe I didn't see it before. You two are actually a lot alike." She muses. After a few minutes of driving we pull up to a large park. Gen and I hop out then walk over to Talia who's sitting on a bench. "I'm so sorry Talie."

"It's fine, I'm sorry I interrupted your love fest." She says with a smirk. "What's tall dark and dreamy doing here anyways?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later." Gen says with a smile. "Evergreen Rose!!" She calls out.

"Evergreen?" I ask raising my eyebrow.

"Her eyes, just like yours." She whispers and Talia looks confused.

"Wait what?" She asks. "This is what Lena was telling me about."

"What?" Gen and I both ask in shock.

"She said that she knew Ever wasn't yours, that she was Harry's." Talia explains.

"How could she-"

"Who are you?" A sweet little voice asks, I look down and it's like I'm staring at myself at 6 years old but as a girl.

"Sweetie this is Mommy's very good friend Harry." Gen introduces us as I squat down to be eye level with her.

"Hello there." I say with a smile and offer my hand, she places her small hand in mine and it feels like my world is complete.

"You look strong could you maybe swing me around?" She asks curiously. "Talie said she can't because she isn't strong." She adds and Talia huffs.

"If it's ok with your mom of course." I reply with a smile.

"Go for it." Gen encourages and I spend the next twenty minutes in Heaven swinging my little girl around as I assume Gen fills Talia in on everything.

After a while Talia leaves and Gen walks over to us so I set Ever down.

"Mommy can I go play again?" She asks sweetly.

"Of course Ever, Harry and I will be sitting on the bench ok?" Gen tells her and Ever nods before running off.

Gen grabs my hand and leads me over to the bench where we sit down. She leans her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around her back and we watch Ever play with a few other kids.

"So.... What do you think?" She whispers.

"She's beautiful and so polite Gen, you've done an amazing job raising her." I gush before pressing my lips into her hair.

"I told you she was a sweet creature." Gen says with a smile.

"Yes she is, she's our Sweet Creature."


For now at least, the sequel should be started by the end of the weekend. I need to update my episode stories as well as "Getting Styled" another Harry fanfic I have going.

All the fooking love and kiwis!!

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