Chapter 48

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June 2017~
Gen's POV~

Harry was given a small box containing Louis's wallet and jewelry as he signed the papers for the organ donation. When done we went to the car in silence.

"Did I do the right thing Gen?" Harry asks as I pull out of the parking lot.

"I think so Harry, I know Louis is extremely proud of you.

"I don't want to go back, not yet." Harry says running his hand through his hair. "If that's ok." He adds quietly.

"That's fine." I reply and head for the grocery story, I had an idea. After pulling into the parking lot Harry shoots me a confused look. "I just need to grab a few things, you can stay in here." Harry nods and I run in, grab a few things and hop back in after placing them in the back.

After about 30 minutes of driving I pull off onto a dirt road and continue it for a ways. "Where are we going?" Harry asks.

"Somewhere special."  I reply, tossing him a smile over my shoulder. We soon reached the familiar willow tree on the hill. After putting my suv in park I hop out then grab the blanket and bags from the back. Harry comes around with a confused look on his face.

"Where are we?" Harry asks scratching his head.

"Green Island." I reply as he takes the bags from me. After shutting the back I lead him over under the tree and lay the blanket out.

"It's beautiful here." Harry said admiring the lush green meadows with the ocean in the background while the late afternoon sun warm and glowing. 

I begin to pull everything from the bags. I had gotten some fresh cut fruit, pasta salad, a sandwich for us to share and then a slice of strawberry cheesecake.

"You've really thought of everything haven't you?" Harry says as he sits down next to me.

"I just figured we would use some time out where no one would see us. Just get some fresh air and watch the sunset."

Harry nods and grabs the sandwich then offers me half. "How did you find this place?" He asks before taking a bite.

"I had this really amazing professor, after losing Niall he saw how down I was. One day he offered to take me to lunch somewhere, just so I could talk to someone you know? He brought me here. When he and his wife were dating they used to come out here, his wife loved it so much that when the property went up for sale he bought it for her so it would stay the same for them always. She had died a few years before I met him. He brought me here because he wanted this place to be special for another generation. They never had children sadly. Anyways since then it's become my spot, I've never brought anyone up here before." I explain with a smile from the fond memory.

"Who owns it now?" Harry asks.

"He still does, he's in his 80s now. He said he would never sell the property, that it meant too much to her." 

"That's really amazing, to remember someone like that." Harry says sadly.

"I want you to do something for me Harry." I begin cautiously. "I want you to remember the way Carolina was when you met her, when you fell in love with her. Let everything else go, she isn't here anymore. There's no one to be angry at anymore." I turn towards him and cup his cheek. "You deserve to be happy Harry."

Harry leans towards me and kisses the tip of my nose. "You make me happy." He says smiling before pulling me between his legs as he leans back and I rest against his chest.

We just sit quietly enjoying the view, the food and  each other's company. I love that he and I don't always have to talk when we are together, those moments of silence shared just between the two of us means so much. 

The sun was setting as Harry tilts my face up to look at him. "Gen I love- I love it here." Harry stutters nervously which was adorable. I tilt my head up more and kiss his lips softly.

"I love it here too Harry." 

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