Chapter 19

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May 2017 (present day)

Gen's POV~

Harry's been gone about 5 minutes, I was starting to get nervous but deep down I knew he wouldn't run. I had picked up a bunch of different fruits as I carried the basket Harry had left behind.

Out of the corner my eye I saw an older man lurking around me. I get it right, pretty girl all alone, she looks like easy prey.


"What's a nice girl doing out here all by herself?" The raspy voice of the older man sounds sending chills down my spine.

"I'm not alone." I answered simply not even looking up.

"No ring, no man. I'd say your extremely alone." He quips.

Harry where are you? I want to get away from this creep.

Mr Creepy took another step towards me as I step backwards and feel an extremely hard body at my back.

What in the world?

"You ready to go?" Harry whispers as I look over my shoulder back at him and smile.


"Actually I was having a conversation with her before you so rudely interrupted." The creeper snapped and Harry stepped to the side of me with his hand on my back protectively.

"Excuse me- Dad?" Harry asks the short squatty bald man with his eyes wide.

"What the hell are you doing out of the rehab Edward?!" The man snaps.

"Edward?" I ask Harry quietly.

"My middle name, he never liked Harry so he always calls me Edward when we aren't around my mom." Harry explains.

"Dad, this is my psychologist Dr Horan. Dr Horan this is my dad, Desmond Styles." Harry introduces us but it took everything in me to give my hand over for a handshake. This man gave me really really bad vibes.

"Care to explain what my son is doing out of rehab, on the second day no less?" He asks me with his eyebrow cocked.

"It's a clean eating facility so we wanted to bring some different fruit in, your son is already making great strides to his sobriety and deserved to be rewarded." I said choosing my words carefully. 

"Ah I see, well I'm sure there are many other ways to reward him." Desmond replies licking his lips and looking down my body.

"We have to go Harry." I urged ignoring Desmond's vulgarity.

"Can I get your number? You know, to check up on my son and stuff." Desmond asks emphasizing "and stuff".

"You can always call the center Mr Styles, I'm sure Tess would be happy to help you out." I reply smiling as Harry snorted. "It was nice to meet you." I add before walking away briskly. Harry follows and we quickly check out before heading back to the car.

Once in the safety of my car I couldn't help shaking, leaning my head back against my headrest I try to calm myself down.

Suddenly I feel a few large hand on my knee. "Gen are you ok?" Harry asks softly.

"I'm sorry, I know he's your dad and all but that man is creepy as fuck." I say breathing out and Harry bursts into laughter. "No really Harry, he was watching me for like ten minutes!"

"I know I know, it's just funny that someone finally sees what Gemma and I do. He's not a bad man but he's not a good man either." Harry admits sadly.

"I just cannot believe that he's your father, you two are nothing alike."

"Because I was raised by my mom and stepfather, Des and my mom divorced when I was a baby. He's always been a bit of a womanizer and mom was fed up with his cheating ass." He explains and it makes so much more sense now. "I'm really sorry he creeped you out." Harry adds sadly.

"It's not really that he creeped me out, it's that he somewhat reminds me of my father."

"How so?" He asks touching his lips thoughtfully.

"He seems incredibly dominant, like if you cross him he will make you suffer. He also feels like he could be really manipulative."

"Wow, 5 minutes with him and it's like you know him as well as I do." He says laughing before getting quiet. "Did your dad come to America with you?" Harry asks thoughtfully.

"No." I answer simply.

"Where is he?" He questions.

In prison

"He's back in Ireland."

"Why didn't he come with you?" Harry presses.

Because he's a murderer.

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