Chapter 96

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August 2017~
Harry's POV~

Ok seriously, what is it with women thinking I'm a coin operated ride? You can't just plug me in, ride me and turn me off.

Doesn't work that way bitches.

Pretty sure my name is H-A-R-R-Y not H-I-T-A-C-H-I.

Lena is decent don't get me wrong, but I'm pretty sure the boobs were bought and she reeks of...... Desperation?

Gen just kind of stood there motionless.

This is bad.

She's either about to break down or break her face.

"You slept with Niall?" Gen whispers and Lena gives her a smug look.

"Pretty sure I could get this one too." Lena says looking at me.

"How could you though, you knew what Niall and I went through Lena. You were my best friend." Gen says fighting back her emotions.

"You're such a whiny little bitch Imogen." Lena scoffs.

"Since when is letting down your walls and talking to someone being a "whiny little bitch"? The only bitch here is you." I spit angrily. I'm not one to talk like this to a woman but fuck man.

She deserves it.

Lena gives me a hurt look and goes to touch my arm but Gen grabs her wrist. "Don't you fucking touch him." Gen growls. "It's not even that you slept with Niall, I could give less then half a fuck. It's that YOU lied to me, your supposed best friend."


Gen's POV~

Lena had it all going for her, a great career, a killer body matched with a stunning face. We were polar opposites, her creamy dark tan skin, dark eyes and petite curvy body is what most men dream of. She always made me self conscious about my height, I mean I tower 9 inches taller then her.

But the fact that she slept with Niall, knowing everything. I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

"Hey Joey can I get an adios motherfucker?" I shout at the bartender and Harry shoots me a look.

"Sure thing sweetheart." He coos back and Harry glares at him.

"Be careful with that Joey, men tend to end up with broken noses when they talk to me like that." I smirk.

"Hey, You've broken just as many noses as I have." Harry teases.

"I might have to break another tonight." I retort, smirking at Lena.

"Oh wow Gen's so tough. You forget all those nights you'd cry over your scars or wish you were shorter?" Lena sneers.

"Uh yea when I was like 17, what the actual fuck Lena that was almost 10 years ago."

"Here's your drink." Joey pipes up, before I could react Harry patted my ass to stand up and paid for it.

"Holy shit he's tall, I can't wait to climb that pole." Lena says looking him up and down while biting her lip.

I grab the bright blue drink and using my height advantage pour it over her head. "Adios Motherfucker." I whisper before pulling Harry to the exit.

"Get her home safe Harry." Talia shouts before turning to deal with a sopping wet Lena that looks like a smurf pissed all over her.

"Oh I will." Harry smirks as he wraps his arm around me. "No broken noses necessary today huh?"

"Eh she would of deserved it." I reply as Harry's SUV came into view. "You drove?" I ask with my eyebrow raised.

"I knew I wouldn't drink." He answers leaning back against his SUV and pulling me between his legs.

"I really am so proud of you Harry." I gush cupping his jaw.

"I'm proud of you too, for how you handled that back there. I may have to break Niall's nose now though." He huffs.

"He's not worth it, neither of them are. As long as I have you and Ever I'll be happy." I reply with a bright smile, Harry leans down and presses our lips together. His hands run down and grip my hips pulling me into him more as the kiss intensifies.

"Come back to my place?" Harry pleads after breaking away.

"It's already after 1 Harry and we have your dad's funeral today babe." Harry nods his head sadly. "Plus you still owe me that first date." I add with a smile.

"That's true, let's get you home then babe." Harry suggests as he opens the passenger door and I climb in. 

"This is different, I've never been in your car and I've always been the driver." I say biting my lip.

Fuck he looks good. 


"Yea sorry what?" I blink.

"Um, where do you live?" Harry asks scratching his neck.


I directed Harry as he drove, with him driving it gives me a chance to admire him which of course made the pressure in my core even worse.

"It's the blue house at the end of the street." I tell him and he pulls in front of it.

"So tomorrow?" He asks..

"Yea 10am?"

"Sounds good." Harry says shifting in his seat. He reaches over and kisses me sweetly but I decide that's not enough for me as I launch myself into his lap straddling him. 

My hands tangle in his short hair and Harry's grip my hips as I feel him harden beneath me applying a delicious pressure to my core. As I deepen the kiss I grind my body against his.  A loud moan rips from my throat as Harry pulls me closer to him and rocks his body against mine. His lips attach to my neck, sucking a sweet spot below my ear as our bodies grind against each other.

We both knew we couldn't take this any further but we couldn't stop either, every movement building more and more pressure until both of us are a sweaty moaning mess as we reach our high.

"Holy shit." Harry and I breathe out simultaneously. 

"Fuck this is Talia's dress." I giggle.

"Well these are Gucci pants." Harry smirks.

"I made you jizz your fancy pants?" I tease.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Harry mumbles as I giggle.

I'll see you tomorrow babe?" I whisper and kiss the tip of his nose.

"See you tomorrow love."

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