Chapter 41

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May 2017~
Gen's POV~

He shut me out, he told me he was going to his room and asked me not to follow him. I had to respect his wishes... 

For now.

Harry had left me in the family lounge along with the paperwork from Louis. Curiosity got the better of me and I knew Harry wouldn't care. Glancing through the first few sheets it was mostly legal mumbo jumbo.

I, Louis William Tomlison, residing at 2280 E Victory Dr, Savannah, Georgia, declare this to be my Will, and I revoke any and all wills and codicils I previously made. 

I direct my executors to pay my enforceable unsecured debts and funeral expenses, the expenses of my last illness, and the expenses of administering my estate.

I give all my tangible personal property and all policies and proceeds of insurance covering such property, to Harry Edward Styles. If he does not survive me, I give that property to the charities St Jude, American Cancer Society and Hope & Heroes, in equal shares, to be divided among them by my executors. My executors may pay out of my estate the expenses of delivering tangible personal property to beneficiaries.

I give all my residences, subject to any mortgages or encumbrances thereon, and all policies and proceeds of insurance covering such property, to Harry Edward Styles. If he does not survive me, I give that property to be distributed between the charities St Jude, American Cancer Society and Hope & Heroes.

SIGNED AND DECLARED by Louis Tomlinson on 5/20/2017 to be his will, in our presence, who at his request, in his presence and in the presence of each other, all being present at the same time, have signed our names as witnesses.

I. Witness
The attached will was signed by Louis Tomlinson the testator named in the will, on the 20th day of May, 2017..

When he signed the will, Louis Tomlinson declared the instrument to be his last will.Each of us then signed his or her name as a witness at the end of this will at the request of Louis Tomlinson and in his presence and sight and in the presence and sight of each other.

Louis Tomlinson was, at the time of executing this will, over the age of eighteen years and, in our opinions, of sound mind, memory and understanding and not under any restraint or in any respect incompetent to make a will. In our opinions, Louis Tomlinson could read write and speak in English and was suffering from no physical or mental impairment that would affect his capacity to make a valid will. The will was executed as a single original instrument, and was not executed in counterparts. 

Each of us was acquainted with Louis Tomlinson when the will was executed and makes this affidavit at his request.
Joseph Blair
Sworn to before me this 21st day of May, 2017.

Holy shit. He left Harry everything.


There was a deed to a beach house in Miami, pink slips to an assortment of cars. Oh yea and 75 million dollars.

Holy fuck.

How the fuck is Harry going to fight temptation when he could literally buy ANYTHING he could ever want?

There was an envelope with my name tucked into some of the papers.

Dr Horan,
             I know we probably met earlier but I wanted to address a few things with you. As I'd imagine Harry is pretty distraught and did not look through these papers and you being the good doctor you are did. Take these papers and put them away, do not tell him what is in it until you feel that he is mentally ready to know.

 As Harry has probably told you, I was injured at the beginning of my football career and given a decent settlement. Luckily for me(and Harry in return) my second major was accounting and investing thus more then quadrupling my money since my injury 7 years ago.

This looks tempting to a recovering addict and I understand that, that is why I am trusting you to keep this from him until he is ready.

Please take care of him-

For all Louis's faults and the hand he played enabling Harry's downward spiral...

He loves Harry.

I tuck the papers into my bag and head for my room. After stashing them in my desk I hear a large crash followed by a scream coming from Harry's room. Slipping out of my heels I take off running for his door.

"Harry?" I ask, swinging the door open.

His back was towards me and his chest was heaving, his room was absolutely destroyed and there was blood dripping down the walls where he had punched holes.

"Harry?" I ask again as I approach him cautiously. 

"Gen." Harry whispers as I walk around the front of him.

His eyes were swollen from crying and his knuckles were ripped up. I cautiously bring my hand up to cup his cheek, he could sense my hesitation as he frowned and leaned into my hand.

"I don't know why I did this, I was just so angry." He whispers.

"You're going with alcohol withdrawals Harry, this is a normal reaction especially to everything you have discovered over the last 24 hours." I reassure him gently. "Come back to my room, we will clean you up and get your room switched." I said before grabbing his wrist and leading him out.

Once in my room I grab my first aid kit, then clean and bandage his knuckles. "You need to take it easy with your hands Harry, I think you may of dislocated a few knuckles."

"How do you know? I never asked but how did you know how to administer an IV? I don't that that is normal for a therapist." He asks.

"Normally it isn't but I opted to take a paramedic course over a summer."

"Ah I see." Harry says looking down, tears soon start pouring from his eyes. Kneeling between his legs I look up at him and take his hands to press gentle kisses to them. "I'm so sorry Gen, I'm so fucking sorry."

"For what Harry?"

"I want a drink, I want one so fucking bad I can almost taste it. How fucked up am I that I want something that is killing my best friend?" Harry sobs.

"You're not fucked up Harry, you're grieving. And that's ok, you'll be ok"

"How can you be so sure?" He mumbles.

"Because it's a sign of the times Harry, you're changing. For the better."

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