Chapter 68

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July 2017~
Harry's POV~

Two silhouettes stood before me on the dark beach. One man, one woman. The woman steps towards me as the moon dances over her good side. 


"Why?" I croak out. "Why did you lie to me all that time? "

"Because I had to Harry." She whispers sadly her voice sounds like something that I used to feel.

"That's bullshit and you know it." I spit out at her. 

"I know you may not believe me now Harry but I did love you. You would get so caught up in school and football and I felt so alone, then your dad-"

"He's not my father, my father is dead." I cut her off not wanting to hear another word.

"I know, he's at peace now." Carolina smiles softly. "I fell in love with Edward, as sick as it is I cannot lie to you any longer."

"Was she even mine?" I ask fearing the answer but Carolina nods.

"She looks just like you Harry." She whispers as she approaches me, her earthen eyes on mine. "This all happened for a reason Harry, as much as it hurt it had to." Carolina says softly as she cups my jaw. "You are so happy, you deserve this so much Harry. Don't let anything from your past destroy your future." She whispers before pressing a kiss to my cheek and disappearing.

Louis approaches me. Same tracksuit, same eyes blue, same white shirt, couple more tattoos.

"I didn't know they had tattoo parlors in the afterlife Tommo."

"Oh mate, you have no clue." He replies smiling before walking up to me and turning towards the ocean. "So this is it huh?"

"Yea, do you like it?" I ask.

"I love it, the idea of a little piece of me getting trapped in some lass's skimpy bikini has me all tingly inside." He smirks. "I know Carolina hurt you, I know you're still angry but I need to ask you a favor..."

"Anything." I assure him.

"When you let me go tomorrow let it all go, let go of your past, let go of your pain. You deserve peace and from what I've learned about Gen she deserves it as well. You two are so fucking happy I swear you shit glitter and sunshine Haz." Louis adds with a smile.

"Thank you, for everything Louis."

"No, thank you Harry. Thank you for taking care of me during my last moments, thank you for being my best friend through everything.... And thank you for choosing the most beautiful resting place for me. Promise me that you will let it all go with me tomorrow?" He asks, his ice blue eyes gleaming with hope.

"Yea I'll let it go Louis."


"Harry what are you doing out here,? Come to bed babe." Gen calls from our sliding glass door that leads out to the beach. She was wearing one of my old white shirts but never looked more beautiful.

"Coming baby." I reply before looking back at the ocean.

It was time.

Time for me to say goodbye to my two ghosts.

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