Chapter 30

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November 2007-

Gen's POV~

"I'm so sorry Mr and Mrs Horan, the baby didn't make it." The Doctor informs Niall and I as I lay in the bed.

He went on to explain the extent of my injuries which weren't at all serious now that I was awake. He said that no lasting damage was done so we would be able to have kids in the future.

I was in shock.

My father killed Niall's father then Niall kills our baby. 


October 2011-

Niall was due back home in a week, we missed him so incredibly much. Thank God my mom offered to move in or I couldn't of handled school and all of my responsibilities. Suddenly there's a knock at the door.

"Mom can you get that?" I ask cleaning the bottles in the sink.

"Gen, sweetie come here." My mom calls with her voice shaking.

I cautiously approach the door where I see a man in a uniform standing. My mom wraps her arms around me as he utters the 8 words I thought I would never have to hear.

"I'm sorry miss, your husband has been killed."


May 2017-

"What did you just say?" Harry asked with his eyes wide by voice still laced by anger.

"I understand Harry, more then anyone else could." I said as I begin to sob.

He broke my walls down, after all these years four days with him and they come tumbling down.

My legs begin to shake as I walk back to the couch, take a gulp of water and try to calm down.

"I met Niall when I was 14, by 16 I became pregnant and we decided to leave Ireland because of my father. Niall was wonderful and supportive, he proposed to me and we were married right away. My father charged into the church trying to stop the wedding but it was too late so he shot at us hitting and killing Niall's father." I explain with tears running down my face, I had never told anyone what I am telling him. "That's why we left Ireland, my father is an evil man. Anyways after his dad's death Niall changed, he had a hair trigger temper and would say things just to hurt me. We had gotten in a fight when I was six and a half months pregnant while Niall was driving. He said things that I couldn't ignore so when I responded he snapped which resulted in a bad car accident."

Harry's eyes soften as he takes a deep breath. He walks over to me and sits on the table in front of me.

"What happened?" He asked sadly.

"I lost our son, well more like Niall killed him. He blamed me and I blamed him. After almost two years of therapy we were in an ok place, he decided to enlist in the army. He said he needed a career path and something to keep him steady. He was deployed in June of 2011 and then killed in action in October of that year." I said sniffling.

"Gen I'm so sorry, I didn't-"

"Because I don't want anyone to know. I'm the therapist not the patient Harry. But don't you ever tell me that I don't understand because I do." I state firmly trying to gather my emotions and shove them back under the rug.

Harry moves to my side and pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around as I lean against his chest.

"It really fucking sucks doesn't it?" Harry laments.

"I was so mad at him when he left, I wast such a bitch." I sob into his chest. "I didn't even get to say goodbye Harry."

"Neither did I Gen, neither did I." 

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