Chapter 64

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July 2017~
Gen's POV~

Shit shit shit shit.

I was not expecting Harry to be back so fast., the pain in his eyes was so evident.

I did this.


"Why?" He asks in a low and threatening tone.

"Why what?"

"Why did you fucking lie to me and lead me on Gen?" He seethed. "I can't even look at you right now." Harry shouts as he walks out the door.

"Harry wait I can explain." I cry running after him.

"Is this some kind of sick therapy? How many were before me?" Harry screams attracting the attention of the other resort goers.

"Can we please talk about this in private?" I plead but Harry shakes his head.

"Harry please, people are looking."

I don't give a fuck, let them look." He growls. "Hey everyone look at me, I'm a fool that is getting played by his therapist." Harry shouts waving his arms.

Tears of both embarrassment and pain begin to stream down my face. "Harry please?" I whisper and his eyes soften for a moment .

"Fine." He replies tight lipped and brushes past me back into the room.

After taking a deep breath I go back inside and shut the door behind me, Harry is pacing around the room, his anger incredibly evident.

"Harry I can explain."

"How many Gen?" He snarls.

"I don't know what you are asking baby."

"Don't fucking call me that, how many Gen? How many of your patients have you seduced?" Harry accuses.


"You're a fucking liar, you're probably married and you just get off on these sick fucks that fall for you." Harry spits before walking up to me and leaning down so his now dull green eyes are level with mine. "Were you thinking about him while my tongue was buried in you this morning?" He hisses.


February 2011~

"Were you thinking about me when you were fucking him Imogen?"

"Niall what in the world are you talking about?" I asked him, completely flabbergasted by his accusation.

"I know she isn't mine." Niall hisses.


"What about when your lips were wrapped around my cock huh? Were you thinking about him then?" Harry jeers.

"Please calm down and let me explain Harry."

"There's nothing to explain Gen." He retorts. "You fucking lied to me, you made it seem like you were available and we started building something but you.... "Harry's shoulders begin to shake as emotion takes over his body. "You were never mine." He adds softly as tears stream down his face.

"Can you please let me explain?" I plead.

"Why? What good will it do? We'll go home and you'll go back to him." He seethes.

I approach Harry cautiously. "Harry please listen to me." I beg cupping his jaw but he smacks my hands away from him.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me." He growls as he eyes stare into mine boring a hole in my heart

I collapse to the ground and hold my knees to my chest. "Harry I'm so sorry, please don't hate me." I plead through my sobs and I swear his eyes softened. "It's in my contract not to tell anyone about my personal life but you're misunderstanding."

"Bullshit Gen, I heard you call him baby." He sneers.

"Harry, I don't know who you think I was talking to but it's not what you think at all." I reply as I make my way back to my feet and shift my weight awkwardly.

"Who the fuck was it then?" He challenges.

"It was my daughter."

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