Chapter 90

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Holy fuck We're on chapter 90!! On with the Mama Drama!
Side note I am currently writing this from McDonald's whilst my child plays cause I'm all about that mom life.


August 2017~
Gen's POV~


"You want to know about me? I was raised by an abusive psychopathic father who murdered my husband's father in front of us on our wedding day. We came to America for a fresh start, I was in a marriage of obligation because I stupidly got knocked up at 16 but later lost the baby. I struggled for the next 4 years in a marriage with a man I no longer knew, he'd make comments about my body and accuse me of cheating on him constantly when he was the only man I was ever with. He goes on to deny our daughter enlist knowing that it would hurt us, then a week before he's due back I'm told that he is dead when in fact he was very much alive. Of all people I would think that you would understand what I've been through and have some God damn sympathy." I explode before standing up. "I'm sorry Harry, this was a mistake." I breathe out.

"Baby wait-" Harry starts to grab my wrist but I pull away and exit the tent.

I ran across the gardens to the fountain where no one would hear me cry, once sitting I finally let myself break down. Suddenly I feel someone sit in front of me and wrap their arms around me.

"Gen I'm so sorry, she had no right to talk to you like that."

"She's yours and Harry's mom Gemma." I sniffle.

"I don't give a fuck who she is, that was inhumane."


Harry's POV~

"Baby wait-" I try to grab Gen as she leaves but she pulls away from me. Jumping to my feet I start to go after her.

"Let me talk to her Haz." Gemma stops me and goes after Gen. I sit down with a huff and stare at my parents.

"Baby?" My mom asks with her brow cocked.

"Do you not see the way he looks at her Anne? Have you really become that blind?" Liam accuses while my focus is on my mom and Robin. How can he stand there like the God fearing man he is and sit back quietly.

"Stay out of this Liam, it doesn't concern you." My mother snaps.

"It does concern me because Harry is not only my brother in law but one of my best friends, Gemma and I have been spending a great deal of time with him and Gen. Anne I have never ever seen Harry this happy, not with Carolina and not out on the football field." Liam explodes and I send him a grateful glance while my mother sends him a look of death.

"Who was this Mrs. Twist? That told you about her?" Celine asks calmly.

"Oh what was her name... Kim? No, Kylie? No, ah yes, Kendall." My mom recounts and Celine chuckles.

"So you believe the woman who has made multiple attempts to seduce your son not to mention got caught sleeping with your brother in law who was pretending to be your ex husband?" Celine sneers. "As I told you weeks ago there has been no proof inappropriateness between Dr. Horan and Mr. Styles." She adds.

"Bullshit, was today not proof enough for you?" Mom chides.

"Dr. Horan is no longer treating your son now is he?" Celine sits back with a smug look.

"What did she tell you?" I ask my mother.

"She told me everything, how she's never had a patient she hasn't seduced. I guess she's had a sick game with another employee on how many gifts she could get which by the new necklace and ring she's been wearing sounds like she got you too sweetie." My mom scoffs.

"You know nothing mother." I put extra umph  into "mother". "Kendall was the one seducing her patients, not Gen. She has never had an inappropriate relationship with a patient before. Further more Gen hasn't asked me for shit, she has her own money, her own house and anything I may or may not of bought her has been on my own accord." I snap.


Gen's POV~

"Come on sweetie, let me clean you up." Gemma coos as she wipes the mascara from under my eyes. "You're so lucky you can get away with such little makeup." She gushes as she pulls out some mascara from her purse and applies it. "There, just like nothing happened." She smiles.

"Thank you Gemma, for being so kind to me."

"Thank you Gen, for making my baby brother whole again." She stands up and smooths out her dress before holding out her arm. "Come now, show my mom you aren't going to let her push you out of Harry's life." 

"Absolutely." I reply, standing up and taking her arm. We walk into the tent arm and arm just as Harry snapped something back to his mother. Gemma and I take our seats again and I take a sip of water.

"Harry I just think someone with..... Less baggage would be more suitable for you." Anne says sternly.

She isn't wrong.

"What about Robin? You had way more baggage then Gen does." Harry sneers.

"Well we-" Harry's mom stutters.

"Harry is right, at least Gen doesn't have a crazy brother in law posing as her ex husband and sleeping with her son's girlfriend." Gemma taunts.

"Why must you two always team up on me?" Anne sighs.

"Because we're always right." Gemma and Harry answer simultaneously. 

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