Chapter 12

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-June 2005- 

Gen's POV~

It was a hot early summer day, one of the rare ones in Ireland. My father had blown up at me for receiving a B on my English exam. He was always very controlling, beating my mother and I into submission if we strayed from what he wanted us to do. My mother promised she would get us out of here as soon as she could, that we would escape to America and see her brother in Georgia. 

I fled the house as beer bottles were thrown after me, running through the fields of Mullingar I soon found myself at the edge of a cliff. The wind flowed through my hair and I felt at peace.

Maybe this is what if would feel like if I just stepped over the edge.

"Miss? Miss are you ok?" A soft voice called out behind me. I turned around to see a boy about my age with blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

He had kind eyes and a sweet smile, I had never seen him before which was rare in this small town

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He had kind eyes and a sweet smile, I had never seen him before which was rare in this small town.

"Yes thank you, I'm fine." I answered simply hoping he would not be able to see past my facade.

"You don't seem fine." He said with his eyebrows raised and a look of concern, he then looks down and kicks at a rock. "I've heard I'm a good listener you know?" He mumbled shyly.

"Why would I tell a stranger all of my woes huh?" I quipped causing him to huff and walk towards me.

"I'm Niall Horan." He said looking in my eyes intently as he hold his hand out for mine.

"Imogen Gallagher." I reply sheepishly as I take his hand to shake put he surprises me and brings it up to his lips for a soft kiss before smiling at me.

"Well I guess we aren't strangers then now are we?"


"Gen? Dr Horan?" Harry questions, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, what were you asking?" I ask, looking away after meeting his powerful jade green gaze.

"I just wanted to know some things about you, I feel like you know so much about me and yet I nothing of you." He explains as I take another spoonful of ice cream.

"Ok well, I was born and raised in Mullingar, Ireland. Oddly enough my mother is Brazilian though, my father had met her whilst abroad during medical school and brought her back to Ireland with him."

"Brazilian huh? I would of never guessed. I mean you are beautiful like most Brazilian women but- yea I'm going to stop talking now." He huffed out nervously.

"It's fine, everyone is really surprised." I reassure him.

"May I ask how old you are? Harry asks politely and I nod.

"I'll be 26 next month."

"Oh you're just a few months younger then me, wow." He says thoughtfully. "Why did you want to become a psychologist?" Harry asks curiously.

"I was under an immense amount of pressure to become a doctor like my father when I in actuality wanted to be absolutely nothing like him. I wanted to help people in a way he never could so I did become a doctor. Just not the kind he wanted." I explained before thoughtfully biting my lip. "Kind of like a last fuck you, you know?" I went on and Harry breaks out into a huge grin.

"I know exactly what you mean." He assured me. "How old were you when you came to America?"

"I was 16 when I moved over with my mom and my hu- ahem.... My family."

"Why did you leave Ireland?" He asks thoughtfully.


May 2007-

"Niall, my dad knows." I look down fearfully.

"Ok well he was going to find out soon anyways." Niall says shrugging.

"You don't understand, we need to leave. My mom has a flight booked for her and I to Georgia." I explain exasperatedly.

"You're leaving? You can't!" Niall shrilled.

"Then come with me Niall, we have three tickets." I plead with him.

"I don't know Imogen....." He pauses.

"You can't stay here, he'll kill you."

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