Chapter 72

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July 2017~
Gen's POV~

We soon pulled up to a fancy lounge, it was way nicer then the one we went to our first night here. Harry jumps out of the limo and then helps me out before heading inside and giving them my maiden name. We were quickly taken to a table next to a window overlooking the ocean.

"Could I interest you two in a glass of our house red?" The servers asks politely.

"None for me, thank you." Harry answers quickly before turning towards me. "If you want one I don't mind Gen." He assures me. While a glass of wine sounds divine I would feel guilty kissing him.

"No thank you, a virgin Shirley Temple would be amazing though." I respond to the server, he gives a quick nod, takes Harry's drink order and walks away.

"Seriously Gen, I don't mind if you have a drink or two around me." Harry asserts.

"But you would taste it when you kiss me, I just think it's too soon. Plus I'm not much of a drinker, we don't need alcohol to have fun do we?" I say smirking.

"No, we don't." Harry replies with a wink.

Harry and I decide on three seafood plates to share then snack on some bread while we wait.

"Are you really going to make me get up there and sing?" I ask.

"Yep." He replies with a cheeky smile. "Don't worry, I'll do it too."

"I'm not sure the women in here could handle your sexiness onstage... Especially in that suit." I tease biting my lip.

"I look good in pink, what can I say?" He smirks.

"Narcissistic much Styles?"

"Hey it's Henry Gallagher remember? Your doting husband." He says winking. "Plus narcissism is only bad when used to be a cocky asshole which I am not." He adds and I raise my eyebrow at him jokingly. "You love it." He teases.

"Do I? You seem so sure of yourself."

"Well I'm sure that you're the one fore me." Harry admits sheepishly. "Now am I the one for you? That's up to you isn't it?" He adds with a butterfly inducing smirk that both makes me weak at the knees and sopping wet.

"Here you guys go, can I get you anything else?" The server asks after places the plates on the table.

"We are good, thank you." Harry nods politely.

We dig into our plates, switching them every now and then, Harry had me in a fit of giggles for a while after trying to feed me a piece of calamari but failing horribly as it dropped down my cleavage. "If we weren't in public I'd help you with that." He smirks as I bite my lip. "Gen...." Harry warns.

"Yes babe?" I ask innocently and Harry squeeze his eyes shut and blows a breath out.

"I know you're trying to get out of karaoke but it's not going to work." He informs me.

"Good, I know the perfect song to sing." I reply, setting my plate aside. 

"Ladies first." Harry taunts after taking one last bite.

"Don't be too harsh now, I've never done this sober." I groan as I stand up and smooth my dress out.

"You'll be great baby, I'm sure." Harry coos and walks me over to the karaoke stand. He leans back against the wall as I select my song and take to the microphone.

You can do this Gen, you sing this song to yourself all the time.

As the music starts I breath out my nerves and focus on my voice.

"You and I and nobody else
Feeling feelings I never felt
The way you got me under your spell
Don't you keep it all to yourself
So won't you take it, I feel like for the first time I am not faking
Fingers on my buttons and now you're playing
Master of anticipation
Don't you keep it all to yourself
Just a touch of your love is enough
To knock me off of my feet all week
Just a touch of your lo-ove
Just a touch of your lo-ove
Just a touch of your love is enough
To take control of my whole body
Just a touch of your lo-ove
Just a touch of your lo-ove"

"Photograph with no T-shirt on
Why you making me wait so long?
I promise to keep this a secret, I'll never tell
But don't you keep it all to yourself
So won't you take it, I feel like for the first time I am not faking
Fingers on my buttons and now you're playing
Master of anticipation
Don't you keep it all to yourself 
Just a touch of your love is enough
To knock me off of my feet all week
Just a touch of your lo-ove
Just a touch of your lo-ove 
Just a touch of your love is enough
To take control of my whole body
Just a touch of your lo-ove 
Just a touch of your lo-ove"

The club did the obligatory clap as I exit the stage towards Harry but when I got there he was gone. Suddenly a song comes on with a deep, heavenly voice singing.

"If I could fly
I'd be coming right back home to you
I think I might give up everything
Just ask me to
Pay attention
I hope that you listen 'cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless
For your eyes only
I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me
For your eyes only
For your eyes only
I've got scars even though they can't always be seen
And pain gets hard
But now you're here and I don't feel a thing
Pay attention
I hope that you listen cause I let my guard down
Right now I'm completely defenseless 
For your eyes only
I'll show you my heart
For when you're lonely and forget who you are
I'm missing half of me when we're apart
Now you know me
For your eyes only
For your eyes only"

Harry's jade eyes sparkle as they never leave mine during the entire song. I couldn't move, I was in shock. I never ever anticipated him to actually sing well let alone sing such an emotional song. Once he was done the club explodes into cheering, I'm pretty sure a few lady's ovaries burst. Harry walks over to me as I try to blink back tears.

"Harry that was amazing." I whisper. "I had no clue you could sing."

"I never had anyone that actually wanted to hear it." He replies sadly.

"You can sing for me anytime Harry, you're amazing." I praise as I cup his jaw.

"Not as amazing as you Gen."

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