Chapter 92

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August 2017~
Harry's POV~

The conversation flowed freely as desert was served, Gen and I were much more ourselves now that we don't have to hide and my mom was smiling a lot more. I think Gen standing up to her really knocked her down a few pegs.

After another hour or so my family had to leave as I went through my final discharge with Directer Ora. Gen said she'd wait for me in her room so I could help her with her luggage since I already loaded mine this morning.

I was sitting in Celine's office as she looked through my papers. "I'm really going to miss having Gen here, she's always so bright and cheery." She gushes. "But this is no place for her, she's getting out at the right time." She goes on. "Ok Harry, I have a final test for you." Celine says leaning back and crossing her arms.

"And that is?"

"Tonight I want you to go to a place that holds one of your triggers, I want you to test yourself. If you feel so inclined, order a drink but before you take a sip I want you to call Gen or myself and tell us exactly how you feel in that moment. Think you can handle that?" She asks.

"Absolutely." I answer shortly. 

"Well then, congratulations Mr. Styles. You're a free and sober man. Take care of Gen for me will you?" She asks offering her hand out for me to shake.

"I think I can manage that." I send her a wink before heading out of the office.

Gen's door was propped open, she stood at the window and had her back to me. I sneak up behind her and kiss her neck softly.

"It's so weird to be leaving this place." She whispers.

"But it marks the start of something else right?" I reply, she turns towards me and kisses me gently.

"definitely." She says with a smile.

"I have to tell you, the way you handled my mother was amazing Gen." I praise with a smile.

"I have some help from Gemma." Gen replies.

"She really likes you, she never really cared for Carolina honestly." I admit.

"Well I adore Gemma and understand why. Especially now knowing she wasn't supportive of your passion for music." She adds rolling her eyes.

"I mean it's not a big deal. Not like I'm going to go on the Xfactor, get paired up with 4 other dudes and come in third place but still take the world by storm only for the "dangerous" one to quit thus leaving us as a foursome until we break off for solo careers where I take over the world."

"You and your imagination Harry I swear." Gen says giggling. "I need to get home though." She adds sadly.

"Well let's load you up huh?"

After a few trips back and forth Gen was loaded up. "I hate this." She whispers.

"It's not goodbye, it's just see you later ok baby?" I assure her and she nods softly.

"What will you do tonight?" She asks.

"Celine has me doing some homework." I answer vaguely.

"Ah, the final test. Well call me if you need anything ok?" She says as she runs her hands up my chest to my neck.

"I will."

"You'll call me or need something?" Gen teases.

"Maybe a bit of both." I reply biting my lip before pressing my lips against hers. Her phone begins to ring and she pulls away.

"I'm sorry Harry, I really have to go." She says sadly.

"It's ok baby, I understand." I reply before kissing her on the forehead and opening her door. "I'll call you later." I tell her as she climbs into her SUV. She nods and smiles then pulls the door shut and drives away,

Ok Harry, time to start your life over.

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