Chapter 77

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July 2017~
Gen's POV~

After we bid Gemma and Liam farewell Harry and I headed back to the rehab. Once in my room Harry sat on my bed while I gathered everything I needed to bring home.

"So you'll be back Monday? Harry asks sadly.

"Yes." I answer grabbing a few last things, stuffing them in my bag and then approaching him. "It's only four nights babe."

"I know, I'm just going to miss you." He says sadly as he pulls me in between his legs and rested his head against my stomach.

"I'm going to miss you too, you can call me as much as you want ok?" I try to reassure him.

"I don't want to take any time away from Ever." Harry admits.

"You wont, I promise. Now stand up and kiss me properly before I go." I beam at him and he smiles as he stands to his full height. Harry wraps his arms around my waist pulling me again him then leans down and presses his lips against mine.

It was not a passionate kiss but a kiss of emotion and affection. After breaking away Harry leans his forehead against mine. "These last few days have been the best of my life, even with the misunderstanding." He whispers.

"The best days of your life.... YET." I correct him with a smirk.

"Yet." He smiles and I rise up on my tip toes to kiss him again as I cup his jaw.

"Walk me out?"

"Sure." Harry agrees and grabs my bags for me.

We cannot show affection outside of our rooms so Harry was careful to keep a safe distance as we walked down the hallway.

"I'll be back before you know it Harry." I assure him as we reach the door.

Harry shoots me a tight lipped smile as he hands me my bags.. "Take care of yourself Gen."

I offer him a smile before walking out to my car, driving away from the clinic I felt so torn. While I was excited to see my mom and Ever, I felt like I was leaving half of me behind.


Ever was so happy to see me and even more happy with the trinkets I brought back from Mexico. We had a mommy and me day the following day with a picnic in the park, she always loves to feed the ducks her crust. That night she and I stayed up late and watched movies like we do every Friday night. 

I called Harry after she went to bed, he said he was doing alright. Just keeping busy with his boxing trainer or playing guitar. He promised me he would play me something soon. 

One Saturday Mom and I took Ever to the zoo, we did this once or twice a month. Every time she would chose a different animal to learn as much about as possible, she's such a smart girl.

By Sunday morning I was emotionally drained.

I missed Harry.

We had an easy day as Ever had dance tryouts early the next morning, just spent the day in watching Dance Moms and making cookies. I set aside a dozen to bring to Harry the next day.

Ever fell to sleep around 8pm and I found myself cleaning the kitchen for the third time today.

"Sweetie, can I talk to you?"

"Sure mom, what's up?" I ask, putting the dishtowel down.

"You were so happy when you came home Thursday and now you just seem... I don't know.. Dull?" She says. "Is this about the guy you've been treating?"

"Kind of.... I miss him." I admit and my mom's eyes widen.

"Imogen it's not like you to get involved with your patients." My mother warns.

"I know I know, He's just different mom... I'm in love with him." 

"This isn't good, you need to end it Imogen. Think about Ever." She snaps.

"I am thinking about her mom! He would be an amazing father figure if he maintains his sobriety!"

"That's a big IF, you're treading thin ice sweetie." My mom says sadly.

"He's different mom I promise, I know what I'm doing."

"I trust you Imogen, I just don't want you to make the same mistakes I did." She assures me.

"I won't I promise."

"Well Ever is asleep already and you would be gone by the time we get up tomorrow so why don't you go back tonight and surprise him." My mom suggests. 

"You really don't mind?" I ask her, surprised that she would suggest it.

"Imogen I can't stand seeing you unhappy, go to him." She announces kissing me on my forehead before going to bed.

I quickly pack my bags, grab the cookies and leave for the clinic. My stomach flutters as I pull into the parking lot, it's like I haven't seen him in months but it's only been a few days. The flutters grow along with my smile as I approach his door and raise my hand to knock.

"Oh my God yes. Harder. Harder." I hear a woman's voice moan and the bed banging against the wall. "Fuck yes Mr Styles."


Tears stream down my face as I let myself into my room, once inside I lean against the wall and sob as I slide down to the floor.

Why would he do this to me?

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