Chapter 87

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August 2017~
Gen's POV~

Niall softly nods his head as He tries to gather himself.

"Gen..." Harry warns softly. "You loved him at one point, let it go." He whispers pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

He's right.

I pull away from Harry and approach Niall, taking him by surprise. "You've really changed a lot Imogen." He says sadly.

"Please don't call me that anymore, the only one who still calls me that is my mother because she's stuck in her ways." I reply before wrapping my arms around him. "I'm glad you're alive Niall."

He's stiff at first but then wraps his arms around me, he was warm but he wasn't my home.

I don't know if he ever was.

"We loved each other at one point right?" He asks as we pull away from each other.

"A long time ago yes but I am not the same girl you left behind." I reply.

"I can see that, I am sorry." Niall looks down as he scratches his neck. "For everything."

"If you hadn't done what you did then I wouldn't be where I am right now. I'm happy Niall, for the first time in my life I am so utterly happy it even makes me sick." I say with a laugh as Harry approaches us and wraps his arms around my waist before pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"I can see that. Good lock with her." He gives Harry a tight lipped smile.

"Where will you go?" Harry asks.

"I have no clue honestly, I came here for the divorce papers and to reclaim my identity back so that I can get a job and apply for a k-1 visa so my fiance can come to America." Niall confesses.

"Fiance?" I question.

"The man who rescued who, his daughter cared for me and we fell in love over time. It feels so completely different this time around, like I'm finally my genuine self." Niall explains and I lean my head on Harry's shoulder.

"I know exactly what you mean Niall."

"Let me help you." Harry suggests. "I can probably get you a job at my stepfather's church or the school I work at."

"You'd do that for me?" Niall asks with his eyes wide.

"I'd do it for her." Harry replies nodding towards me. "Where are you staying?"

"I don't know yet, I came here straight from the airport." Niall sighs.

"I'll call and set you up at a hotel downtown for a month ok? Next Monday meet me at Savannah high school at noon on the football field and we'll see about a job." Harry insists smiling and my heart becomes overwhelmed.

He's truly an angel.

"I can't let you do that, especially after the way I treated-"

"Everyone deserves a second chance Niall." Harry interrupts him and Niall's eyes shine with tears. "I've heard those visas can be expensive, I'll cover the fees on one condition."

"Anything." Niall sniffles.

"Let your past go, live for the future." Harry says softly as he grips Niall's shoulder. "I believe that deep down you're a good man or Gen would of never given you the time of day." He says with a smile and Niall chuckles. Harry slides my phone from my pocket and steps aside to call the hotel.

"You've done really well for yourself with him Gen." Niall says flashing me a smile.

"I know." I return the smile. "He's changed my life." I add looking at Harry as he walks back towards us.

"You're all set up, they are sending a car over here for you." Harry informs him.

"Well I guess I should be off." Niall says as he wipes his palms on his pants.

"Wait Niall." I chirp before running to my jewelry box then returning. "I want you to have this back." I hand him his mom's claddagh ring.

"I gave that to you." He frowns.

"I'm giving it back, the girl you gave it to is long gone." I smile pressing it in his palm.

"The car is here." Harry informs him as my phone buzzes.

"Thank you, both of you." Niall says smiling uneasily.

"I'll see you next Monday yea?" Harry asks and I offer a genuine smile.

"Absolutely." Niall nods before giving us a wave and walking out the door.

Harry and I both watch as the door swings shut before I launch myself at him. Once our lips meet he lifts me up wrapping my legs around his waist. Our lips mold to each others as our kiss deepens. After a few minutes we break away breathlessly and rest our foreheads together while Harry was still holding me up.

"Gen I L-" Harry pauses and clears his throat. "I like you, I really really like you." He whispers and I beam a smile at him.

"I like you a lot too Harry."

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