Chapter 84

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August 2017(Two weeks later)~
Harry's POV~

Everything has been so perfect, I feel like I'll wake up from this dream at any point.


Gen and I got all of Louis's assets and money under my name. I went through with the donation of his cars and the Miami house.

It just felt right.

While at the bank we ran in to my old football coach.


Two weeks earlier~

"Harry is that you?"

"Coach Corden? I asked in disbelief.

"It's good to see you! It's been a long time, what 8 years since you graduated?" He said with a cheery smile. "I heard about Carolina a while back, the wife and I went to her funeral but I wanted to give you your privacy." He added.

"Thank you, I appreciate it a lot. It's been a hard road but I'm finally on the up and up." I respond smiling. "This is my girlfriend Gen. Gen this is my football coach from high school." Gen gave me a look that said "girlfriend?".

I mean come on Gen, we're 26 and clearly committed to each other.....
Do I really have to ask?

"It's very nice to meet you." Gen said with a genuine smile.

"Wow, don't take this the wrong way or anything. I'm married with a kid not much younger then you. You are absolutely gorgeous my dear." Coach gushed over my girl.

"She is isn't she?" I smirked as I looked down at her as a blush covered her face.

"Hey, whatever happened with the Cardinal deal?" He asked.

"I fucked it up pretty bad coach, I was not on a good path in life." I replied sadly.

"How are you now?" He asked with concern in his eyes.

"Better then ever." I answered with a smile. "Just about to start job hunting in a few weeks."

"I'm retiring next year and they still haven't found a coach for me to train this year to replace me.... Why don't you come down to the school and we can set something up." Coach suggested.

"I don't know coach, I mean I've spent the better part of the last 6 years in the bottom of a bottle. I'm almost done with my rehab." I informed him.

"Even better Harry, they need someone who's been through it all. Someone who's reached the bottom and worked his way back up." He explained and I looked at Gen.

"I think it would be good for you Harry." She said softly.

"Yea, let's set something up." I agreed.


After meeting with the school board and principal they agreed to take me on as assistant coach for the year after I get out of rehab. It helped that I had amazing letters written by Gen and Director Ora stating how responsible I have been throughout treatment. If all goes to plan Coach will be able to retire next year and I'll take his place.

Now I know what you're probably thinking....

Harry you're a fucking millionaire.... A high school football coach?

It's not about the money, it's about the impact I can have on these kids lives. If I can prevent one kid from going down the path I took then I'll be completely satisfied.

Anyways, Gen's been helping me look at houses but I can't find anything I really like so I just decided to move into an apartment for now and have a house built after rehab. We also went down to the dealership and got a Range Rover which is waiting for me in the parking lot to drive off to my new apartment in a week.

One week.

This road has been crazy but I have no regrets, not when I'm this happy.

I know it will be hard for Gen and I at first, she will be adjusting to her new job while I will be working for the first time in my entire life.  But I know we will make it work though, even if it takes time.

It's currently Monday afternoon, Gen got here this morning but Gemma and Liam were here to visit with me so I haven't seen her yet. I was walking to her door when I could hear her shouting.

"Let go of me!"

"Just sign the fucking papers Imogen." A male voice sounded and concern washes over me as I punch in her code and brace myself for what I'm about to find.

"What the fuck?"

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