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"Bloom wake up, Bloom!"

I heard a voice call for me but I turn over in my bed.

"Just 5 more minutes mom!" I said sleepily.

"One I'm not your mom and two it's time for you to get up you can't sleep the whole day away!"

I sighed as I slowly lifted myself up and rubbed my eyes to see my best friend Sonya so we are practically like sisters! We have been friends since kindergarten and ever since then we've been together. Sonya have medium length dark brown hair that she keeps in two pigtails. She have amber orange eyes as her skin was a light brown color. On her checks are little dotted freckles that makes her look like a little girl. Sonya wears a purple cropped tank top with a light blue denim vest. She wears a short pink skirt and she tops the outfit with some purple wedge sandals. With her accessories she had a cute little purple dragon she been having around her neck since I've met here. She had diamond studs in her ears as well as some blue, pink, and purple bangles around her left arms.

 "I see why you are sleeping late again on summer vacation because you was reading this fairy book!" Sonya said as she was flipping through my fairy book

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"I see why you are sleeping late again on summer vacation because you was reading this fairy book!" Sonya said as she was flipping through my fairy book.

"Yeah sorry about that Son, it was just so interesting and I couldn't put the book down!" I replied scratching my long red hair.

"It's fine I'm just upset that you didn't invite me over so we can read it together!"

"I know you was asleep and I know you don't like it when people bother or wake you!"

"But you still could of called me,"

"You barely answer your phone at night!"

"All these excuses Bloom, they are killing me, and why are you still bed, get up out of bed!"

"I am calm down!"

Kiko my cute little bunny was hopping around happily and landed in Sonya's arms. Sonya smiled and pet Kiko as he smiled bigger.

"Me and Kiko will be down stairs while you change!" Sonya said a smile walking out of my room with a laughing Kiko.

"I like how they left me here by myself!" I said putting on my clothes.

Once I was done putting on my clothes I put my shoes. Walking towards the door but I stopped when I see Mom at the door.

"Bloom I'm glad Sonya got you up because me and your father have a surprise for you!" Mom said with a huge smile.

""REALLY!" I shouted with a huge smile.

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