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Trix room: Icy

When me and my sisters got to Cloud Tower, we were happy to get Stella's ring feeling like we're one step closer into get the Great Dragon flame. Darcy, Stormy, I try to unlock the power of the ring, but are unsuccessful. The ring plunks down near me. As all three of us regain consciousness.

"That was pathetic!" Darcy rubbed her head as she was slowly getting up from the ground.

"Yeah, that was the 14th power spell we've tried," Stormy complained as she dusted herself off.

"I'm wiped!" Darcy looked at me to see what we are going to do next.

I walked over to the spellbook to see if there was anything we was missing. The wardrobe doors opened and emerging was Knut.

"What's going on guys?" Knit asked as I mentally rolled my eyes as I flipped through the pages of the spellbook.

" Turn right around and go right back to sleep. Close your eyes and pretend you're devouring a herd of sheep," Stormy waves her finger and Knut becomes drowsy. He yawns.

"Good night. I'm going to bed!" Knut said as his big body slammed down to the ground d as he was fast asleep.

"What are we missing?! WHY CAN'T WE USE THE RING'S FULL POWER?!?! Darcy! Did you do a realm wide search for all the jewelery spells that exist?!" I shouted in frustration as I closed the book aggressively.

"Yes. I got everything that was listed on the Witch Wide Web," Darcy replied coolly checking her hands out.

"Unlocking the power of the Great Dragon is gonna take more than a spell or incantation. It's gonna take something inspired," Stormy stated as her armed are crossed.

"LIKE WHAT?!?! Why don't you make yourself useful for once and FIGURE IT OUT BEFORE I TURN YOU INTO A PUPPY!!!" I told Stormy still frustrated.

I growled. I picked up the ring and throwing it across the room having Darcy and Stormy dodge the ring.

"And you! I DARE you to keep defying me you SECOND RATE RING!!!" I yelled at the ring like it can talk back to me.


Before we could even go to Cloud Tower, I decided that it will be a good idea to go to the library and see if we can find anyway to get Stella's ring back without trespassing the witches territory. Lucky the other Winx agreed with me but Sonya as she wanted to get back the Trix. From the library we all checked out a book that says anything about the Solaria ring. Once I was done reading the book I walked over to the girls as they all have a book in their hands expect for Tecna as she looked the web.

"Here it is again," I said opening to the exact page I was looking for in the book.

"Share the 4-1-1 girl!" Musa said closing her book tight.

"Kay, this is what I know so far: The ring is so powerful because it was created directly from Starlight, the most pure source of magic in the universe. But what's really interesting is that some say the ring is extra special, because it's made of the same light that created this legendary creature called "The Great Dragon". Do you know about this Stella?" I explained and questioned as all our eyes landed on Stella.

"Yeah I found the same thing on my database, so it got to be true, right Stella?" Tecna asked.

"Well, yeah. I know all about the Starlight stuff, but the other stuff makes me think I should have it reappraised!" Stella said as she was filing her nails.

"Stella can you think of anything else but yourself, shopping, and jewelry?" Sonya questioned with wonder.

"It's hard to thing about anything else!" Stella said showing her winning smile.

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