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 "Hey claws off Riven!" Bloom landed in between Darcy and Riven breaking up their not so attractive attention. 

 "Hey watch it, fairy! Let's remember I'm the one that saved him!" Darcy said with anger at Bloom. 

 "I bet you but it is strange for you to try to be a hero, I know your sisters Icy and Stormy won't like to hear this story not at all!" I said with my arms crossed putting all my weight on my left leg. 

 "You must be mistaking me for the wrong person I'm just a hero who saved a Specialist's life!" Darcy commented as she stared into Riven's eyes with love.

 "Yea sure you did!" Bloom said sacrastically rolling her eyes. 

 "HEY!" Brandon yelled getting our attention as Prince Sky and Prince Falen was coming towards us with a worry look on their faces. 

 "You and the witches caused this mess!" Stella shouted at Darcy. 

 "That's lie!" Riven yelled with anger spilling out of his mouth. 

 "And how would you know that Riven?" I stared at Riven like he was out of his mind which he was, I can feel it. 

 "Because I saw Bloom doing something to my helmet to deactivate it and caused me not to see a thing so Brandon can win!" Riven yelled as I was getting closer to my nerve to hit him.

 "Woah Riven chill out let Bloom explain her side of the story before you go chewing her out about something!" Prince Sky said gesturing his hand to Riven to calm down. 

 "I heard enough and here take your crappy and cheating gift back!" Riven said throwing the helmet at Bloom's feet. 

 "HEY! WATCH WHERE YOU THROWING PEOPLE'S GIFT BECAUSE WHERE I FROM WE APPRECIATE PEOPLE'S GIFT IF WE KNOW WE DID SOMETHING WRONG OR WHEN PEOPLE DON'T HAVE MUCH TO OFFER!" I shouted picking up Riven's gift and shoving it in his hands with an upset look over on his face. 

 Riven gasped in pain of how hard I shoved the helmet to his stomach. He took one good stare at and the others and walked off with Darcy the evil witch but he stopped to say this one thing to the boys. 

 "You know what I'm asking can i be transferred into a different specialists team," Riven spoke as he continued his walk with Darcy down the sidewalk of Magix City. 

 "Well we lost one of specialist from our team but the good thing we can actually get our missions done successfully without him the group," Prince Falen with a little hope in his tone of voice.

 "Those witches must want something out of Riven?" Brandon asked with curiosity. 

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