Seventy - two

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A/n: I just want to mention that the last character of this chapter will have a longer part i this story because this where most of the action will take place! Please don't ask who is the character with the longest part, you will just have to find out yourself when you get there! Enjoy the "last" chapter of One of the Winx series!!!!!


 The rain started pouring in. The thunder clapped, and the lightning strikes. The girls and I were healing up the wounds fairies and Specialists that we had on our side. The witches of Cloud Tower made it over and started lending a helping hand with the wounded. I have seen Riven and Knut are back at Alfea, but no sign of Bloom nor Sky. I couldn't help to think of the worst, and my mind went to Falen and Emalia. They were the ones I really should be thinking about since Falen had to fight an all-powerful dragon to save Emalia. What would I do if Bloom or Emalia don't make it back? What would the Winx Club be without the two sparks that light up the Winx Club?

"Musa! You're shaking, are you cold or something?" Riven clamped his large hands over mine, making me blush. 

"I-I'm fine thank you!" I beamed lightly actually didn't know I was shaking.

"You don't feel cold, which is good, so you must be worried about Bloom and Emalia?"

"How do you know?"

 Riven gave me the 'are you serious look.' I couldn't help but giggle which kind of ease my mind off of Emalia and Bloom. Riven took his hands off of mine. For the first time, I saw something in him other than that cocky attitude of his. The thing I saw was care and empathy, which I might add is a good look at him.

"I can understand how you feel since Emalia and Bloom are like your best friends. Don't tell the guys I told you this, but I kinda missed them in the Cloud Tower cell I was in," Riven whispered the last part to me in my ear causing me to now laugh. "

You? Really or are you just pulling my strings?!" I laughed.

"I'm for real in all honesty,"

My laugh cut short when I heard Riven said he was serious. I don't think Riven could be severe at all. This side of Riven was all so new to me, and I wonder why is he showing me this side of him out of all people?

"Riven, why am I this close to you?" I asked, waiting for Riven to go back to his old self and tell me how it is and walk off, but he stayed right next to me.

"Because it just f-felt right with y-you," Riven replied stuttering a bit. "To help put your mind at ease, you know your friend Bloom and Emalia is two strong girls, so you shouldn't worry too much about them,"

"FALEN IS BACK WITH EMALIA!!!" Timmy shouted from a distance.

 I snapped my head towards the entrance of Alfea. True to Timmy's word, Falen was walking back with Emalia and Kekipi in his arms. Emalia looked worn out as her clothing was ripped and her hair was all over the place. Kekipi had cuts and what seemed like a broken little arm. Emalia and Kekipi's eyes closed as they were knocked out. I left Riven's side and ran up to Falen. As I got closer to Falen, I notice his clothing torn as well. 

Falen had burn marks going up and down his body, and I saw his hands has the most burn marks. I gasped, and I felt a hand on my shoulder. I notice it was Flora as she gave me a little smile.

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