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I continued to look at the girl with dark brown pigtails. When I touched her hand, I felt a very powerful spark of magic coursing through my body. Her eyes was enchanting as a rare flower from my kingdom, Reino. Brandon, Sky, and Timmy smirked at me while they handle the troll we caught. Riven joined them as well and I'm surprised he was being lazy like he always do when we catch something. I rubbed my neck with my hand as I slowly walk up the the girl who was now looking at Stella and the red haired girl watching the boys handle. I tapped the girl and she turned around and I instantly had cold feet when my eyes meet her amber orange eyes.

"Yes Falen can I help you with something?" The girl said sweetly as her freckled cheeks had a red tint behind those gorgeous dots covering her cheeks.

"Um, yes, I was just wondering what is your name?" I said trying my best to cover my nervousness.

"My name is Sonya!" Sonya smiled as her cheeks was still red.

Sonya reminds me of a little girl with her two pigtails. But she still looks beautiful no matter what!

"You know you was very brave for fighting then monsters!" Sonya still blushed.

"Thanks that apart of saving a very beautiful princess name Sonya!" I flirted with a nervous smile.

"Oh stop I'm not a princess!"

"But you are in my eyes, minha princesa!"

"Hey Falen it's time for us to go!" Brandon shouted with a smile.

"Okay I'm coming, but I must be going minha princesa, see you soon!" I kissed Sonya's hand and watching towards the ship.

I sat at my chair and pushed a button to close the dock of the ship. Brandon, Timmy, Riven, and Sky sat in their seat. Brandon moved the lever and the ship was up in the air. My brown eyes drifted down to the ground to see Sonya looking up at me. I waved bye and Brandon started moving the ship towards the direction of Red Fountain. Then I felt Prince Sky nudging his elbow my arm with a playful smile.

"You love Sonya don't you?" Prince Sky joked.

"I don't love her, I just met her!" I said with a nervous smile.

"Come on, no Red Fountain guy would kiss a girl's hand without having some kind of love at first sight!" Timmy laughed. 

"Yea lover boy!" Riven said joking along with the other boys.

"Guys leave Falen alone!" Brandon said seriously.

The boys quickly stopped messing around with me.

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