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Classes was over and the fairies of Alfea college already had their dinner. Me and the other Winx was in bloom and Flora's room trying to decided on what we should do to get Stella's ring back.

"How are we going to get my ring back? I can't do anything without it!" Stella said in a panicking voice.

"And, we have that major quiz in spells tomorrow!" I said sitting on the bed with my legs crossing each other.

"That quiz counts for like half our grade. We have to get your ring back or you'll never pass Stella!" Flora exclaimed in worry.

"That means we really got to Sonya's plan of sneaking in Cloud Tower into motion!" Musa high five Sonya with a smile.

"Yeah I like that plan!" Sonya cheered as she petted her cute Gynosphinx.

"Okay if we do go to Cloud Tower, we can cast a hypnosis spell on the witches while their sleeping, and then we can make them give us the ring!" Bloom suggesting as she smiled at the idea.

"Ye-es! Classic payback! But wait a sec, detail. How are we even gonna get in to Cloud Tower?" Stella ponders as she looked at each of the Winx girls.

"Oh. I know where to download a map of the inter-school tunnels!" I said putting out my database and looking for blueprints of Cloud Tower.

"Sweet! We'll go right after lights out, and be back while everyone is still asleep so no one will know we left. Hey, you mess with one of us, you mess with all of us. That's the power of the Winx Club!" Bloom smiled as she index fingers crossed each other making a orange line that crossed each other as well.

Underground Tunnel

We all transformed into our fairy selves as we was walking down the tunnel, while Flora holds the flashlight.

"Tecna, where's your map?" Flora asked in wonder.

"After I downloaded it, I memorized it!" I smiled.

" I'm still amazed she memorized the cafeteria menu for the rest of the school year!" Bloom speechless spoke as she continue to walk the dark tunnel of the underground tunnel.


I was sweeping the masters dorm room. Even though I'm a ogre it doesn't mean I like dirty places. I've been asking the masters for some cleaning supplies for months now and they haven't taken my request at all.

"I've been asking and asking them for a vacuum cleaner but no one cares about my needs," I mumbled to myself as I continued to sweep up the dirty floor.

"Did you say something?" Icy said coldly as she gave me a death glare.

I stopped sweeping when I heard Ivy's cold and heartless tone of voice.

"Oh, uh yes. U-uhh. I was counting all the calories I was burning with the sweeping!" I stuttered as I faced Icy with a nervous smile on my face.

"Shut it, finish here and meet us in the forest. We need to consult the dark force about the ring!" Icy told me as she rolled her eyes at me.

Icy and Stormy walk to a secret door. Icy touches it with her hands, it opens and they step through. But I still was sweeping the floor thinking I was now alone in the dorm room.

"I'd be done by now if I had a vacuum cleaner," I mumbled to myself just in case my masters appeared back in the dorm.

"What did you just say?" Darcy asked as she folded her arms.

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