Sixty - four

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Magix Forest: Riven

I was driving my leva-bike through the Magix Forest as I was going to Cloud Tower. I'm going to surprise Darcy because she haven't been talking to me for the past few days. Maybe I could even take her out on another date. LOnce I was at Cloud Tower, I parked my bike. I took the helmet off and started my walk inside the building. I walked up to the school door.

"Puppy dog to Stiletto, requesting permission to enter Cloud Tower?" I shouted to the front of the door.

"Permission granted. Come on in," Darcy announced sounding like she was bothered.

The doors opened and I walked into Cloud Tower. The school was awfully quiet to be an all witch school. Dust and cobwebs covered the hallway like nobody have been cleaning lately. I turned around when I see Darcy.

"Over here, Puppy Dog," Darcy ordered me.

I walked after Darcy to the Headmistress's office. It was dark in the room. Then I see Icy and Stormy at the desk with a grin. Icy was sitting in the Headmistress's chair while Stormy was sitting on the desk. I turn my head to see Emalia over at the end f the desk. She was standing tall like a statue.

"You didn't call me back," I pointed out with my hands in my pockets.

"I've been busy Riven," Darcy was checking her nails.

"Too busy for me?"

"I hope I didn't....... hurt your little feelings!"

Darcy laughed along with her sisters. Their sinister laugh echoed the room. It suddenly started to creep me out. Then the windows and doors slammed shut. Emalia stepped forward subconsciously. Then a strange little wind pick up which was strange.

"Hey!!! What's going on here?" I felt my heart race a bit.

"I was going to ask you that, Riv! Are you here to take me on another date?" Darcy asked me with a smile.

"Well, I was kind of hoping to, yeah. But I'm not sure I like what's happening here,"

"Oh, Riven, you lost, little boy? Don't you realise no one cares what you like!!" Stormy exclaimed getting up from the desk.

The Trix and Emalia surround me. Their eyes started to glow like nightlights. A chill ran down my spine as I was afraid to know what's going to happen next.

"You should have stuck with dating pixies!" Icy chuckled.

"Haven't you heard, Riven? Witches make the worst girlfriends!" Darcy exclaimed with a evil smile.

"Come on!!! Stop messing around, Alright this isn't funny!!" I shouted pulling out my phanto-sword.

Emalia stepped before me getting out of formation of the circle. She grabbed my phanto-sword and she let it melt in her hands. We all watch as the solid sword turn into metal liquid.

"Good work Emalia!" Stormy praised Emalia with a smile.

A black hole appears beneath me. I jumped over it. Darcy appear in front of me with a smile.

"In case you haven't figured out, I'm breaking up with you!" Darcy the disappear.

"Don't be mad Riven just know it's all your fault!" Icy then appeared grinning from ear to ear.


I see Riven run over to Icy. But before Riven could get his hands on my sister, she teleported out of his grasp.

"He's not taking this very well," Darcy laughed.

I appeared behind Riven and and he takes a swipe at me, but I turned to smoke. I silently laugh. This Riven is a real trip! Too bad he got to go.

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