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A/n: I would like to thank you (readers) for reading my story and also giving this story 8K reads. I really appreciate it from the bottom of my heart ❤️ thanks again and enjoy the story!!!

Spring Break is over, back over to Alfea: Musa

We and the other Winx was in the classroom. All the fairies in our class was in the classroom for our final exams. All the teachers was lined up on the side and nerve shook my body. I felt a hand on my shoulder as I see Sonya smiling at me.

"Calm down Musa, you are gonna do good on this exam!" Sonya gave me a reassuring smile.

"Thanks Sonya but how can you be so calm at a nerve racking time?" I asked smiling a little.

"Well when you been competing in gymnastics for all your life, you come up with techniques to calm your nerves!"

"What your techniques?"

"I have two that works best for me. 1. I pretend I'm at home or gym practicing it 2. Pretending the people are in their underwear!"

"I'll try it!"

I laughed until Headmistress Faragonda came into the classroom.

"Good morning young fairies! I hope you guys are ready for your final exam! Your final exam is the laser beam obstacle course. As usual we'll go in alphabetical order. Bloom you're first!" Faragonda smiled as she looked at Bloom with happiness.

"I'm always first. I mean I don't mind but maybe next year we could try reverse alphabetical order?" Bloom asked as she got up from her spot in the stand to walk on the obstacle course platform.

"Possibly, but for now your goal is to get the floating rose to the pedestal. If you get hit by three obstacles you're out. GO!"

Bloom's final exam started as the lasers came out quick. My heart was the lasers was so close to hit Bloom. Then Bloom was about to get hit by a laser.

"WATCH OUT BLOOM!" Flora yelled at Bloom, Bloom dodged the laser by flying around it.

"Whoa, that was close!" I mumbled letting out a relief sigh.

"GET YOU HEAD IN THE GAME BLOOM!" Sonya shouted to Bloom, encouraging her friend.

Bloom was hit by one of the lasers as she landed on the ground in shock.

"That's one!" Headmistress Faragonda said on the side line.

Me and the rest of the Winx sighed in defeat that Bloom got hit. Then Bloom got hit again just by standing there.

"That's two, one more hit Bloom and your exam will be finished!" Headmistress Faragonda warned.

"ITS ALRIGHT BLOOM SHAKE IT OFF!" Stella shouted cheering Bloom on.

Bloom nodded her head and got her head back in the game. Bloom flew to get the rose, flying pass the lasers. Bloom got the rose as she landed on the platform. Me and the Winx cheered knowing Bloom passed the exam.

"Wait there's more girls! You have to watch out for other obstacles that will be added along the way!" Headmistress Faragonda warned.


Me and Stella gasped as Flora, Musa, and Sonya looked speechless. Bloom dodged the beams and flies towards the pedestal. Headmistress Faragonda uses magic to increase the difficulty of the test. I felt butterflies flapping their wings in my stomach. It flapped because of worrying about Bloom and for me when I take the test. Then a huge magic ball started to form above Bloom.

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