Bonus 😁😁😁

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A/n: Guys we finally made to the end of one of the Winx story!! Like I kept on saying before I never thought I would have all these supporters who love this book as much or close to the original script of the Winx Club season 1!!! I want to thank you guys for joining me on this long two-year journey!! I would also like to say is I had fun making this story as it tested my limits of creativity to try to make Emalia or Sonya be her person in this story as well as making her apart of the Winx Club family!!! I hope you enjoy Sonya or Emalia's story and rejoining the whole Winx Club gang down memory lane!!! Just to let you know that this whole chapter will be based on the party scene of the final episode. So enjoy the chapter as this season is winding down which is a fitting end since school is around the corner for some of you guys!!! Enjoy!!!!


I watched the Trix being pushed through a portal for their punishment. Their punishment is a relaxing retreat at Lake Roccaluce. I think personally they deserve something worst punishment than that, but hey whatever is best for them I say. On the other side of the party was another portal, the witches of Cloud Tower was walking through it as Ms. Griffin, Headmistress Faragonda, and Saladin was talking to each other. The Specialists stayed since they wanted to party with the fairies for awhile which I don't blame them!

"Bloom!" A strange voice called out to me.

I turned around to see Mirta and she wasn't a pumpkin anymore! She was in her human form and she was smiling brighter than the party lights! I'm so happy to see her!

"Mirta!" I exclaimed holding my arms out for a hug. "I'm glad to see you back to normal!"

"Me too!" Mirta hugged me back and let me go to see me fully. "I heard you got your powers back along with Emalia!"

"Yea I learned something from the Trix!"

"What's that not being a power hungry witch?"

Mirta and I laughed at her little joke. I tried to stop laughing, but I couldn't!! I realize this was the first time I laughed since the Trix took my powers away from me. I'm glad I can finally laugh after all the traumatic events that happened here in Magix!

"It's not that, the lesson I learned is nobody no matter how powerful they are could take something that belongs to me and to never have doubt within myself!" I smiled.

"I'm glad the Trix taught you that because they taught me nothing but no be like them in the future!" Mirta replied with a light smile.

"Aren't you suppose to be going back to Cloud Tower?"

"Oh no! I realize that I don't belong over there with the witches!"

"Then where do you belong to?"

Mirta's whole face glowed even brighter than before. She left me on edge with her answer as I waited impatiently for her to say something. Her face then turned red as a tomato and her chubby little cheeks puffed out like she was holding her breath. I placed my hands on Mirta's shoulders and shook her a little bit.

"Mirta come on please tell me?" I giggled.

"I came to the conclusion that I belong here with you and Flora!" Mirta smiled sweetly. "Next school terms I will be starting out as a freshman fairy!"

"Wow Mirta!" I beamed. "I'm so happy for you and I know you will become a great fairy!"

"Thanks, but I must go and wish my old friend Lucy goodbye!!" Mirta waved me off. "See ya around!"

"See ya!"

I was again alone so I decided to sit near the little wooden brown benches of the party. I sat down with my hands over my knees as I took an exhale. For the first time in a short while, I studied the beautiful night sky! Reflecting on these past few days were hard and I finally get the chance to take a simply break of worrying. The wooden bench sitting creaked a little bit indicating that someone was sitting next to me. I glance over to my other side and see Sky. He smiled at me as he was finally out of his Specialist uniform.

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