Fifty - five

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A/n: I want to say sorry for not updating as much as you guys wanted 😭. It's just that I've been so busy getting ready for my high school graduation and other things. Then I decided to take a break from every thing and I ended up going back to being busy a little bit! I promise to never be gone from this story for this long ever again. Also thanks for the 12K reads it truly warms my heart that you guys really love this story! And like I said before I could never imagine EVER having this mean reads on this story so thanks again 😘 ENJOY!!!

In the afternoon: Bloom 

 Me and the other girls went back to the room to see how Musa, Emalia, and Tecna doing. Flora opened the door to reveal that Tecna was sleeping peacefully on the couch. Emalia, Musa, Timmy, and Falen in the room but no Sky and Brandon with them. 

 "Hey boys, I see Tecna is finally asleep!" I smiled happy that my friend is getting her good night sleep. 

 "Hey Bloom, Flora, and Stella!" Timmy and Falen whispered in unison waving. 

 "Why are you guys whispering?" Stella asked whispering back to us. 

 "Because we just got Tecna to fall asleep after all this time," Musa responded looking at Tecna with worry. 

 "Well did you see the cause of her to not fall asleep?" Flora wonders. 

 "Sadly no for the cause of it but she did get out that numbers was attacking her in her dreams," Timmy answers rubbing the back of his neck. 

 "What do we do then?" I questioned with my hand under my chin. 

 "I don't know really," Emalia scratched her hair. 

 "How about one of you girls sit watch over night to see if a nightmare monster is after you guys!" Falen suggested with a smile. 

 "Falen you silly prince bo-" Stella was cut off by Musa. 

 "Yea that sounds like a good idea but who is the first fairy to volunteer for that position?" Flora asked looking each one of us but then at the ground. 

 "I guess I'll do it," Emalia volunteered. 

 "I will do the same!" I smiled nudging Emalia's arm.

Trix's dorm room: Stormy 

 Me and my sisters was in our dorm room as we sat in a circle on the dark wooden floor. We was watching last night's fiesta with those stupid fairies! How Tecna was screaming in terror about her idiotic number attack dream?! First of all who dreams about numbers wait the girl who you dumb techno spells! 

 "Tonight is going to rule again!" Darcy exclaiming as she pumped her fist like she was a Fountain's motor race. 

 "It is sisters, we are going to use our dream monster again! Since I picked last night for a test run! Who do you want to be next on our precious little monster attack list?" Icy asked me and Darcy with a evil gleam in her icy blue eyes. 

 "How about Bloom?" Darcy shouted with a smirking look to accompany that statement. 

 "No, no, no, you got the wrong stupid fluttering pixie Darcy! Why don't we get little miss toughy wings Sonya better known as now as Emalia!" I said with a devilish smile on my dark make up face. 

 "Ohhhh that's a good one sis!" Darcy cheered me on with her hand up for an high five. 

 "Yeah I love the way you are thinking Stormy!" Icy told me rubbing her hand evilly. 

 "It's going to be fun to fight those pesky pixies when they can't fight back!" I pointed out squirming in excitement. 

 "The best part is they don't know whose attacking them and they can't do nothing about it!" Darcy chimes in joining in on my squirming. 

 "Right my little sisters! Their real nightmare's going to start later on tonight!" Icy gave an menacing grin. 

Later on that night: Flora

 I was in my pajamas ready for bed as I closed my Life of Plants book. I was going to turn off the light to me and Bloom's room until I see Bloom smiling at me. Bloom was in her pajamas as well as she was sitting in the desk rolling chair. 

 "Bloom are you sure you want to stay up all night to see whose attacking us in our sleep?" I asked worried about Bloom's health. 

 "Yea Flora, don't worry about me! Just get some sleep and remember I'm not the only one up you know!" Bloom smiled at me giving me some reassuring. 

 "Right Emalia is staying up with you! I hope nothing happens! Good night Bloom!" 

 "Good night Flora and sweet dreams!" 

 Me and Bloom laughed as I climbed into bed. I turned the lamp light off having the room completely dark expected for the balcony door letting in the moonlight. I took one last look at Bloom and she still had that reassuring smile on her face. I  smiled back at her while my eyes all of a sudden got heavy. Then I fell into a deep slumber in which I couldn't get out of. 

3 hours later, inside Stella and Emalia's room: Emalia 

 I was getting sleepy. Feeling my heavy eyelids trying to cover my eyes. I fought it by having my headphones in my ears blasting loud music. I bop my head to the beat of the song. It was going good until my eyelids was covering my eyes. Once they covered my eyes for the last time i tried to open my eyes but it was no use, I was already a sleep. 

I opened my eyes and hear people screaming and buildings tearing down. Smoke surrounded me as building parts turned into rubble and pile of dust. I was in some random place as people just looked at me like I was a monster. I looked at myself to see I was in my fairy form. My fairy clothing wasn't it original coloring but black and dark purple color. Then I realize I was the reason these innocent people was running from. 

 I crossed my arms and smirking. I threw a weak spell at the people and they rippled like a little stone or pebble skipping across the water.

 "Good job scaring me but you have to something better than that!" I taunted looking up at the sky. 

 Then the scene changed and I was now in a burnt orange ballroom dress. I was in a palace or castle light opening to a balcony room. Outside stood two people, a man and a woman. I walked towards them but abruptly stopped when they both turn into each other. They was staring into each other eyes and I see Falen and some unknown girl that wasn't me. I felt my heart tightening me.

 The girl wore a white wedding dress and her black hair was pulled up in a ponytail. She wore a smile on her light brown skinned face. She was about around my height but maybe a little bit under me. I will never forget what she was wearing around her neck. Around her neck was a name that written in cursive Yasmin.  

 Tears spilled out of my eyes and I opened my mouth to say or yell something but nothing came out. Falen stopped looking at the black hair girl with blue eyes by the name of Yasmin and at me. He smirked evilly and came towards me. 

 "I hate to break it to you Sonya or better yet Emalia I never loved you! I only used you fro your powers and the lucky girl I love is Yasmin and she is my wife!" Falen laughed evilly. 

 "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" I yelled shaking in fear. 

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