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A/n: This chapter will be all about Emalia/Sonya and Falen. Please note this will be the longest chapter of the story thus far. Enjoy!!! 😊


I felt the warm rays of the sun in my face. I opened my eyes to see. I'm in Stella and my apartment. Stella was sleeping peacefully in her bed while a relaxing sigh came out of her lips. My hands roam my body as I realize I had control over my body. I glance over at my nightstand, and the countertop of the nightstand was empty. This pulling feeling in my stomach tells me that something was supposed to be there. For some reason, nothing came to mind for the thing or someone who had to be there. Then the thought of the Trix taking over the Magix Dimension brought chills to my body as it felt real. Was that dream with the Trix taking over?

I pulled the covers back, throwing my legs over the edge of the bed. My feet touched the warm floor of the room. I continue over to Stella's bed, but this time was tiptoeing over to her. Once by Stella's bedside, I gently tapped her exposed shoulder from her white tank top. At first, Stella shook my touch off her skin and turned over in her sleep. Then I drew her shoulder blade, causing her to groan awake. She lifted her head from her pillow and turned over to look at me with tired eyes.

"What's going on Emalia? Why are you up so early?" Stella asked tiredly laying her head back in her pillows.

"Stella, I'm sure by how the sun is looking in the sky that it's not that early," I replied now sitting on an unoccupied spot on Stella's bed.

"Okay, then what's going on?"

"Did the Trix take over the Magix Dimension, or was that a dream?"

Stella lifted her head from the pillow. She glared at me with a weird look like I was crazy. I don't believe Stella since I feel insane for any thinking of a lunatic idea. I just wanted to be sure that I was dreading it.

"Trix? Ruling the Magix Dimension? You're funny, Emalia!! Now go back to sleep!" Stella turned over with her back facing me.

"Please, Stell give me some reassurance that the Trix didn't take over the Magix Dimension!!!" I plead with my heart racing for the answer.

"Well, Emalia let me tell you the Trix didn't take over the Magix Dimension,"

A smile appears on my face. A wave of relief washed over me. But that smile and comfort came back at me from a full circle.

"The Trix doesn't exist?" Stella chimes as she turned back to her back, facing me again.

What? How could they be? The Trix exist!!! I didn't fight them my whole school semester for them not to survive or disappeared from Stella's mind! At I living in a different timeline where there is no Trix to disturb my friends and me? My thought was interrupted when the door to me and Stella's apartment was ajar. I stared over at the entrance to see Musa, Tecna, Flora, and Bloom at the door with a now pouting look on their faces. Kiko was in her arms, eating a carrot that was way but bigger than him.

"You guys are not ready for the day?!!!" Flora exclaimed.

"Why are you girls, not dresses?" Bloom walks into the room with Kiko nodding agreeing with Bloom.

"I would have expected that from Stella but not from you Emalia," Tecna declares sat at my bed along with Flora.

"Okay, girls it's time to get dressed because we are going to hang out with the hottest guys around the Magix Dimension!" Musa clapped her hands, pulling Stella out of bed.

"ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT THE SPECIALISTS?!!" Stella squeals like a little school girl she is.

"Yes if you and Emalia get dress in a quick fast and a hurry we could spend all day with them!" Bloom wiggled her ears from Stella's outburst.

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