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I made it back to Lake Roccaluce when I met my best friend Daphne. Daphne wears an orange mask, and her hair is pulled up. She wears a long, flowing dress that cover her legs. I wear a dark red face mask. Then I wear a dark purple two piece short dress. My dark brown hair was pulled up half up and half down. To top off the outfit I wore dark orange heeled shoes and matching dark orange cuff bracelet. Daphne looked at me with some disappointment with her hands on her hips.

"I told you not to do that Kala!" Daphne sternly told me.

"What Daph, I wanted to see my little sister after all these years of not seeing her and watching over her to make sure she is well protected!" I informed Daphne as tears came out of my eyes.

"It's alright Kala!"

"It's not alright Daphne, we should of went to Earth with them, so they could have an idea of our families, our traditions, and our cultures!"

"It will get better before you know it,"

"How will it get better Daphne we've been stuck like this for 16 years and nothing happen! How long do we have to wait for things to get better? Another 16 years or what?"

Daphne put her hands on my shoulders and then she hugged me. As she comb my hair down trying to calm me down.

"Stay low from Emalia but you can contact her in her dreams when she is a sleep, but go to sleep you need to rest since you use most of your magic to make yourself human," Daphne told me as she walked me to my bed.

"Yes I need that," I spoke with my hand on my head.


Headmistress Griffin called us to her office. I walked with my sisters, Icy and Darcy to her office.

"What do you think Griffin called us for?" I asked my sisters either my arms folded.

"She might want to talk about that awful smile of Knut!" Darcy replied with an annoying look on her face.

"No those idiots didn't even catch on to him but I suspect it's for the those dumb old fairy party!" Icy informed me and Darcy with a evil smirk in her face.

We made it towards the door of Griffin and it magically opened displaying that Griffin was sitting at her desk. When Griffin saw us she had a evil smile on her face as she gestured her hand to sit at the chairs before her desk, we sat there and she still had that evil smirk on her face. Griffin office was filled with books and other papers that was on the bookshelves. Sheets of papers was on her desk but she got her elbows resting on those papers.

"I called you ladies here because I've received a number of proposals, but none is disgusting as yours! A repulsive idea, revolting, despicable! In other words, it's the best! Congratulations, you're abominable!" Griffin spoke evilly.

"Huh?" Darcy said confused.

"That's very sweet, thank you Headmistress Griffin!" Icy said with a evil grin.

"It's just the thing to spoil those fairies fun!" Griffin snickered.

"I can't wait to see those stupid fairies cry in misery!" I replied clutching my hands together.

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