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I was in my room doing my hair when this pretty blue note appeared on my bed right next to me. I grabbed the note and it was from Prince Sky and he wanted to take me to The Black Lagoon Cafe as our date! I was literally dancing in my skirt. Then I stopped to realize what I was going to wear? Should I wear a dress, a gown, or a cute skirt? You know what I'm just going to ask the Winx for help.

I dashed out the room and towards the kitchen. I was bumping into the girls of Alfea as they looked at me with a annoying on their face. I apologized continuing making my way through to the kitchen. I ran through the dining hall and then I see the doors to the kitchen as a smile grew on my face. Busting through the kitchen doors scaring the girls a little bit but they calmed down once they realize it was me, as I calm down my breathing so I could talk.

"So what's the sit in the kitch, girls?!" I asked the girls with a huge smile on my face with the note behind my back.

"You being fashionable late can only mean a social engagement," Tecna said rolling the pizza dough with a rolling pin.

"It's not that Tecna, you know Stella hates getting her nails and herself a bit dirty!" Sonya joked while still rolling the pizza dough, having the Winx laughing.

"Sonya leave me alone yet that is true, but I know I totally said I'd but... you're just gonna let me play a good excuse card today!" I replied jumping up and down with excitement.

"Oh really, what's the excuse this time?" Bloom crosses her arms as she asked me that question.

"I just received a last minute invitation!" I said showing the girls the invitation from Prince Sky with a huge smile on my face as the Winx crowd around me.

"Is it another shoe of the month club?" Musa questioned with a playful smirk on her face.

"From Prince Sky! He invited me to some place called "The Black Lagoon Cafe" tonight!"

"Oh that's nice!" Flora said smiling.

"A hand written note, you go Stella. Woo!" Musa cheered pumping her fist in the air.

"Can I see the note Stella if you don't mind?" Sonya asked holding her hand out.

"Yea sure!"


Stella handed Sonya her hand written note, Sonya examined the note then she trembled handing the note back to Stella. Me and the other Winx looked at Sonya with curiosity clearly on our faces.

"Son are you okay?" Bloom asked as she had her hand on Sonya's shoulder with a worry look on her face.

"Yea I'm fine but Stella maybe you shouldn't go to this date?" Sonya stated with a kind of hurtful look on her face.

"Why shouldn't she go?" I questioned with wondered.

"That note have extreme high level of destruction like the Trix made that note," Sonya replied with a serious look on her face.

"The Trix wouldn't make this letter because their handwriting is horrible! Look at the penmanship of the note from Prince Sky, if you are jealous that Prince Falen didn't give you a handwritten note then just say it!" Stella said with an attitude.

"Excuse me! I'm trying to be a good friend and warning you but if you wanted to be taken by the Trix or someone other than Prince Sky then go right ahead I'm going back to cooking!" Sonya barked back, going back to making the pizza.

"Well anyways I've been trying to figure out what to wear but, I'm in desperate need of second opinions!" Stella said walking out of the kitchen with the Winx looking sadly back at Sonya.

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