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A/n: sorry for the extremely long wait for this chapter 😭. School and dance practice got the best of me and not to mention that my Wattpad wanted to acted up. I hope you enjoyed it. But overall thanks for getting this book passing the 5K reads all together 😭😊😇! This is a huge accomplishment for me so I would like to thank my fellow readers who consistently read this story and fell in love with the characters like I did! So I hope you guys enjoy this chapter!!!! 💋💖😊😇👏🏾🙏🏾🎉


Kekipi little legs ran down the hallways as me and the other Winx followed in behind he wanting to save Sonya and Falen from the Trix. Honestly I was worried about them two hoping they could hold their own until me and the girls could get there.

"I wondered how the Trix even got in Alfea without setting out any alarms or suspiciousness of the teachers here?" I questioned as we raced to the Magical Reality Chamber room.

"They probably did the same spell they used when Bloom was taking her test," Flora guessed as she ran behind me.

"It might be just that case but if the real Trix are in there then Sonya and Falen could be in serious danger!" Bloom worried.

We ran by the office of Headmistress Faragonda as her and Miss Griselda was walking out of her office. They both stopped walking when they noticed me and the girls ran down the hallways in full riot.

"HEY GIRLS WHAT DID WE SAY ABOUT RUNNING IN THE HALLS?" Miss Griselda shouted hoping that we stopped.

"SORRY MISS GRISELDA WE CANT STOP RUNNING SONYA AND FALEN NEED US THE TRIX ARE HERE!" Stella shouted as we was getting close to the Magical Reality Chamber room.

Me and the girls walked through the doors of the Magical Reality Chamber. We looked through the glass to see Sonya on the ground as she her head down like she gave it her all. Falen was in the grasp of the Trix's rings that Stella was in.

"Girls we have to get those doors to the chamber open!" Tecna told me and the girls.

We nodded our heads and we each grabbed one end of the metal doors of the chamber. But for some reason it won't open but we kept on trying until we realized it wouldn't budge open at all.

"Girls what can we do?" Flora said in defeat.

"The door won't open, how are we gonna save Falen and Sonya from the Trix now?" Stella folded her arms and have her head hung low.

"WAIT! Bloom remember how you told me and the girls that you and Sonya could talk to each other in you guys mind?" I asked with a smile.

"Yea but how can that help us?" Bloom questioned with a pondering expression on her face.

"Use that to help give Sonya some courage to fight the Trix back! That she can use her powers to open the door and we'll use our powers to open the other side of the door!"

"Yea that's a good plan Musa!" Tecna cheered with excitement.

We all ran to the mirror of the chamber to see Sonya slowly getting up with dark purple and black aura energy surrounding her. She had an angry expression on her face as she looked at the Trix's dead in their eyes.

"Well no need to encourage her now!" Stella tried to joke but we all looked at her with a serious look which caused her to be quiet.


I was stuck in those rings as they was adding pressure around me. Sonya was down to the metal ground that it looks like she couldn't move at all. I was really worried that the Trix actually finished her off. The Trix laughed as I struggle to get out of the rings they put me in.

"Uh uh uh my fair prince if you keeping struggling those rings are going to squeeze all your royal organs out!" Darcy laughed along with her evil sisters.

"Poor Sonya couldn't tap into her powers like Bloom did to defeat us! Maybe Bloom have to end up protecting Sonya instead of the other way around!" Icy mocked as she was holding stomach dying of laughter.

My eyes glanced over Sonya as I worried about her. But what does the Trix said about Sonya tapping into her powers? Are they implying to something they know about Sonya? Or could they be toying with her like they've been doing this whole time? I was so focus on the questions that I thought I saw Sonya moved a little bit with a bit of a mumble coming out of her mouth.

"What was that you weak pixie what did you say?" Stormy taunted as she was still laughing.

"I said Bloom doesn't have to just protect me! We protect each other!" Sonya said strongly as she was getting up with dark purple and black colors surrounding her as she was floating up in the air.

The Trix was shaking in their boots as they saw easily Sonya got up. Sonya wore a not so happy look that could kill the Trix in one glance of her face. Sonya's amber orange eyes danced over to my brown eyes as she saw was in the rings the Trix put me in.

"So well I was out you took the opportunity to mess with my Falen! YOU WILL DEFINITELY PAY FOR THAT!" Sonya shouted as a dark purple and black dragon flew out of Sonya's chest and curved its way to get the Trix as it roared.

The light of the dragon was so bright that we all had to cover our eyes. The dragon hits the Trix as they was screaming in pain from the blow. Then I felt the heavy pressure of the rings off of me. I landed on the ground hard as my butt saved me from breaking any bones in my body from the fall. Sonya landed slowly down but once she touches the ground, she fell over.

I got up and went towards her as I lifted her head up for support. Sonya looked at me with tired eyes and a smile to match.

"Falen are you okay?" Sonya asked as she weakly put her hand on my cheek as she changed back into the clothes she had on before the battle with Trix.

"I think I should of been the one to ask you that question first? But I'm doing fine but mainly are you okay!!! You took more blows from the Trix than I did!" I said with worry as I examine her for any broken bones or any signs of bruises or cuts.

"I'm fine Falen don't worry about me!"

"It's kinda hard not to minha princesa!"

I pushed her bangs out of the way so I can see her eyes more clearly. I instantly got lost in them as I was being stuck into Amber orange waves of Sonya's eyes. Before I knew it, I leaned down to kiss Sonya's lips. Sonya's lips was soft as pillows of the royal palace back at home. I gently pulled away when I noticed the doors to the chamber was opening up. I looked down at Sonya who was blushing a shade a red.

I blushed too as I see Tecna and Bloom hold Sonya as they both took hold of her arm supporting her as they walked away from me. Soon I was met with Headmistress Faragonda and Miss Griselda to explain in the chamber and why it was so busted up from the battle between me, Sonya, and the Trix. But I kept the part about the Sonya not tapping into her powers or my theories on that situation to myself.

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