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Inside Emalia's head: Emalia

I woke up to see this dark and black place. Inky black creatures "swam" around me. They hiss when they came close to me and continue to "swim" around me. I tried to move but it was no use. I glance down to see strong black chains wrapped around me tightly. My head felt light like a feather making me dizzy. I leaned my back back as I closed my eyes trying to stop this dizziness.

"After a few days and you're finally up," A voice that sound like Falen said with laugh at the end.

I searched around the room for a voice that sounds just like Falen. It was so dark and those inky creatures filled my vision to the point I couldn't see anything.

"Oh you can't see me, can you!" The voice spoke once again. "Let me help you!"

A powerful gust of wind swept through the room. I closed my eyes wishing my arms was free so I can shield myself from this power. The wind stopped and I opened my eyes. The room was cleared of those black inky creatures, but the room was still dark. In front of me was huge black shadowy figure. The scary thing about this shadowy figure was that it looked just like Falen.

"Now you can see me!" Falen smiled.

"Falen get me out of here," I tried to break free.

"Sorry but I can't! You belong to the Trix!"

My body froze. I felt the weight of the chains finally weighing me down. I belong to the Trix? But how? The last thing I remember was being at home with Kekipi. KEKIPI! I hope Kekipi is somewhere safe and well fed! Mentioning Kekipi brought back the memory of being attacked by those witches.

"GET ME OUT OF HERE FALEN!" I yelled as I felt my powers increasing.

"Oh you're getting feisty lets calm you down a couple of notches!" Falen smirked blasting me with a powerful dark magic causing me to scream. "Oh my name is not Falen!"

"What.... do... you... mean?" I panted, tired from the blast.

"Well while you was out I took the liberty to skim through your memory files even the people you know! I read through this Falen file and took interest in him since he broke your heart! So I decide to form into him to cause you more misery!"

Form? What does Falen mean by form? I got to get some answers out of this Falen.

"What do you mean by form? What do you truly look like?!" I pondered out loud.

"My true form ey? I'll be gladly to show you!"

The shadowy form of Falen started to change. Dark streams of Falen broke apart as more was coming in. It started to form a new figure as wind picked up. The wind stopped and I looked to see what form it took. Before was black dragon with flaming tips flowing. The dragon's eyes was yellow like the sun. It roared a powerful roar.

"How can you take on that form?" I questioned with shockness.

"In your dark mind anything's possible! Your mind is a place ground for me and the Trix to take over!" The dark form replied giving me that Cheshire the cat smile.

"My mind???? Is that where I am?"

The dark dragon roared a laughter. He flew around, examining me. His yellow eyes studied all of my features. He circled around me again taking an extra look of me. Then the dark dragon floated before me again.

"Of course I'm the darkness that resides in your powers!!! I'm the Mystic Dragon Flame!" The dark dragon replied taking the form as me.

"If you're my powers can't you get me outof here?!" I jerked the dark chains.

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