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Me and boys flew our bikes to the inside of Alfea to investigate where that noise was coming from. We flew to Alfea Quad with the girls running behind us.

"Whoa!" Musa said shocked at the damage in front of us.

"This damage was caused by some kind of creature!" I said examining the hole in the quad room.

"Hmmm! By a very big creature I must say Timmy," Tecna said as she was examining the damage with me.

"Really. Tell us something we don't know?" Riven said smartly as he rolled his eyes with his arms crossed.

"It's three meters tall and weighs close to a ton. It's fur is bristly, not soft, it walks upright, has horns in addition to multiple quad limbs and it gives off a foul, musky odor!" Tecna deceives what she sees in Riven.

This caused everyone in the group to laugh but Stella laughed even harder.

"She told you of-- Whoa!" Stella spoke before she was cut off by the ground shaking again.

The ground shakes violently again and surprises Stella and everyone else.

"It's that way!" Brandon pointed to the left of Alfea Quad.

"Come on guys, Phanto-blades out!" Sky and Falen shouted as they pulled their weapons out.

We was going to leave the quad until we saw the girls following behind us. Us, Specialists stopped to turn around to face the girls.

"No way. You girls just go find someplace to hide. You'll get in the way!" Riven said as he was being serious.

"Hey we will not get in the way!" Musa scowled.

Riven walked away with the rest of the Specialists as we looked back at the girls with sad looks.


We arrived at Alfea hoping to destroy the school and our new task to find the Great Dragon power. Me and my sisters made our vacuums appeared as we was walking around Alfea.

"It's accelerating! We must be getting closer!" Icy said in pure devilish excitement.

Me and Darcy stared at each other with a evil grin as we continue to follow Icy and our vacuums. We was passing by colorful paintings which were hurting my eyes.

"These bright paint colors are hurting my eyes!" I exclaimed as I was rubbing the hurtful pains out of my eyes.

"I wondered do these stupid pixies have any dark paintings?" Darcy said in curiosity.

"Knowing those idiot of fairies no they don't!" Icy joked.

We continue our walk inside Alfea until our vacuums stopped in midair. We all looked at us confused and then at the not moving vacuums.

"Why did it stopped?" Darcy asked confused.

Before Icy or I could answer Darcy's question. We heard a strange noise comes out of nowhere. Icy was scared. Me and Darcy snickered having Icy look at us with anger.

"Someone's here!" I said to my sisters with a cautious look on my face.

We hear a duck say "mommy" repeatedly and soon found out what caused the sound, Ivy's baby duck.

"Ugh, it's that duck!" Darcy groaned.

"I hate that duck!" Icy gritted her teeth having a not so happy expression plastered on her face.

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