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It was night time and I woke up to get me a glass of water. I came back from my time with my mother, father, and sister from my home dimension. I got out of my bed and I saw a bright light coming from Bloom's side of the room. I turn around to see Bloom flicking from her pajamas to her Winx form. I gasped as I went to go get Stella over the next room. When I opened the door I knocked into someone.

I got up to see it was Stella. I was glad to see her since she was the person I wanted to see.

"Stella there's something wrong with Bloom!" I said with worry but quiet enough not to wake up everyone in the apartment.

"And there's something g wrong with Sonya too!" Stella replied speaking in the same volume as me.

"It's so weird. It's like her winx is activating!"

"And the same for Sonya she's glowing brighter than my magic spells!"

"Check it out!"

I moved to the side to show Stella Bloom changing from her pajamas and into her Winx form and back. Stella moved to the side as well and I saw Sonya going the same as she was moving a little too much. Kekipi was laying in his little basket bed by Sonya bed as he was sound a sleep like nothing strange is happening to Sonya.

"Woah, look at that!" Stella said in shock pointing at Bloom.

"Don't go! I'm ready! Wait!" Bloom sleep talk as she was still sleeping as she turned over  in her bed.

"Look over at Sonya!" I pointed over to Sonya causing Stella to turn around.

"Hey come back! I'm not done talking to you! I still have more questions!" Sonya reached her hand out like she was grabbing her someone in her dreams still asleep.

"Did you see that outfit change? I wish I could do that in my sleep!" Stella smiled with excitement.

"More than clothes are changing here. When this happens in magical beings it means their powers are evolving!"


Breakfast time: Tecna

It was breakfast here in Alfea and it was good to be back to see friends and get back to the lessons. Me and the rest of the Winx was sitting at our usual table. Everyone was sitting down happy to see each other but Sonya and Bloom who looks tired and restless. Kekipi and Kiko was eating their breakfast haplyily until they see their owners looking sad. They did the best thing they could do to cheer them by showing them love and affection that caused them to smile. That's got me and the other girls attention when they usually be happy in the morning and ready to get he day started. When asked Bloom and Sonya started to explain why that felt this way.

"It was the same voice that led us out of the fire. I'm sure of it!" Bloom said pushing her long red hair back.

"I'm sure of it too! Tecna tried to help me find out who the lady in my dreams was but it didn't work the first time," Sonya said as she yawned as tiredly ate her breakfast.

"Boring! New topic," Stella said as she faked a yawn to go onto something more interesting in her eyes.

"Hey Son I updated and fix my new technology to help show you what she looks like! What did they look like?" I smiled getting my mechanic Dream beetle out as it flew over to Sonya and Bloom.

"Okay they was both had long flowing hair and they was underwater," Sonya smiled.

"And they was tall and they was really beautiful but the specifics are kind of fuzzy!" Bloom continued to explained as she tried to remember what Sonya and her saw in their dreams.

Once my dream beetle was done it flew right back to me. The beetle landed in my hand as I smiled as I was hooking and uploading a picture of the ladies Bloom and Sonya was talking about.

"This dream beetle digi-sketch is much more advanced than it was before when I was analyzing Sonya's dream. It has direct access to information from your subconscious!" I explained to the girl as my eyes danced from screen to screen to make the picture show up.

"So that ladybug can see what's buried in my mind?" Bloom questioned as she was fascinated with my technology.

"It's not a ladybug it's a beetle!" I laughed causing the other girls to laugh. "I upload it, it sends psycho digital signals to the bay and voila!"

The first lady had on an orange mask, and her hair is pulled up. She wears a long, flowing dress. She glowed a orange and yellow color. The second lady had on a two piece dress that was tight. She had anklets on both legs. She had a tropical crown on her head made of flowers. She glowed a purple color.

"That's them, the ladies of our dreams and the ones we've seen in the street performers!" Bloom and Sonya said at the same time.

"Isn't magic technology the best!" I bragged as I'm happy to get the results I want.

"I still don't get how you did it, but that is her!" Bloom said in shock still.

"Like they say: when in doubt go digital!" I smiled.


I had enough of this dream crap coming from Sonya and Bloom. That's all that come out of those two mouth. Can we talk about something else like I don't know something interesting besides their foolish dream.

"Ok, enough with the silly dream!" I said cutting off what Sonya was saying about her dream.

"Why do you keep interrupting me or Bloom today?" Sonya said irritated with a expression to match.

"Maybe it's because I'm tired of you guys  always stealing the stage. It's always "me, me, me" with you 2. "Look at me, we are the cute little girls from Earth, look at us I have powers, look at us we don't have no clue how to control them!"," I said as Musa, Flora, and Tecna warned us but kept on going on and on how I felt.

"That's not funny!" I said as I was getting angry.

"Everyone has weird dreams, who cares?"


I balled my fist as I was getting mad at Stella's sudden rude comment.

"This is important, Stella!" I explained to Stella hoping she could understand me.

"Yes, important to you, you, you!" Stella tainted as she was moving her head side to side for dramatic effects.

"We're so sorry that this sudden change of our lives is causing inconvenience in your life Stella!" Sonya said smartly as she was mocking Stella with her head movement as she was getting angrier by the minute.

"Stella! What in the world is your problem?" Tecna questioned Stella as she couldn't believe Stella is acting like this.

"Nothing. I am simply "telling it how it is" as Musa would say. I'm just "keeping it real"," Stella explained with her head up like a stuck up child.

"Stella, I don't know what's wrong with you but you're really being mean and I'm not going to stand here while you throw your little princess tantrum!" I said as got Kiko in my arms.


"Fine!" Sonya shouted back at Stella as she was behind me as we both stormed out of the dining hall of Alfea.

Somehow the table of dining hall broke in half causing a loud crash noise. I turned around scared as the other girls screamed in fear. Silverware's and other things fell to the ground as plates and other things broke into tiny pieces. But somehow food got on Stella causing her to scream even louder than before. Sonya and Kekipi wasn't phase by the commotion as Sonya kept walking upset. That's when I knew Sonya anger caused this to happen.

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