Fifty - eight

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The next day, Stella and Emalia's room: Bloom

"Stella, how much time do you think you have to spend on your hair everyday?" I shouted outside Stella and Emalia's room door.

"All day, everyday if you ask me!" Emalia opened the door with a smile giggling.

"HAHA! Very funny Emalia but Bloom ask not what I do for my hair but what my hair dos for me!" Stella cheesed continuing to comb her hair.

I sat on Emalia's bed and watched Stella do her thing while Emalia was playing with Kekipi. Stella dips a brush into the conditioner cream container and puts it in her hair. The cream was a green color that blended in Stella's hair which cause me to look at it strangely.

"Stella what is this stuff?" I asked as I watched Stella dip the brush inside the container again to brush her hair.

"Its Flora's own botanical/magical formula! In three minutes my hair will be shining like the Solaria's Sun!" Stella cheesed with delight.

"More like the monsters we faced so far this year!" Emalia joked again causing me to laugh along with her.

"Like I said before hahaha, you just got amazing jokes there Emalia!"

I stopped laughing which worried Stella and Emalia. I looked down at the carpet floor of their room.

"Bloom what's wrong with you?" Emalia asked as Kekipi came over rest in my lap along with Kiko.

"Its just I'm kinda bummed out a bit," I answered petting the two adorable pets.

"You have that look on your face! It's Brandon isn't it?" Stella stopped brushing her hair to look at me.

"He said he was going to call but he never called me at all. And tomorrow is the Day of the Royals!"

"Oh yeah! Falon didn't remind me at all about that! Wait till I get my hands on him but back to you Bloom!" Emalia hand was in a ball.

"Nope he didn't," I said sadly.

Stella snickered and I looked at her grabbing her phone that was resting on the table along with Emalia's phone. Stella pointed her finger at the stop next to me. Emalia got what Stella was trying to say and she sat next to me with Kekipi in her lap.

"The problem is quite easily to solve ladies! You just have to simply coax the boys out to ask you!" Stella smiled.

"Coax them out of it? How do we do that Stella?" Emalia asked with an skeptical look.

"Duh girls! Call them!" Stella hand the phones over to us.


I handed Bloom and Emalia the phones as they looked crazily at them. Like they don't know how to use a cellphone.

"What are we suppose to say to them Stell?" Bloom asked with nervous look on her face.

"First talk about something like the weather or how their day going so far! Then segue your way into dropping hints. Just be casual of course!" I filled the girls in with a huge smile.

"I can't do it, Bloom you go first!" Emalia pushed Bloom's phone up to her ear.

"Hey why do I have to go first?" Bloom whined like a little girl.

"Because your phone is up to your ear and I volunteer for you to go first anyways! Now start sailing Brandon's number!" Emalia told Bloom with an sneaky grin on her face.

"Wait I could drop him a text!" Bloom face turned into a lightbulb.

"No ma'am you are going to call him and hear his voice and he needs to hear your lovely voice!" I said walking out the room with towel and shampoo.

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