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I was in the eye glasses store buying me new pair of glasses. I was trying on different pairs of glasses as the sale clerk was in front of me with a smile on his face. I took the pair of glasses off and grabbed a red glasses frame. Turning my head to the mirror to check myself out with the glasses. Then I spotted a group of girls walking by the glasses store. I got a look of the two girls from a few days ago, the girl with red hair and the girl with dark brown hair.

I looked at the sales clerk and then back at the window getting closer view of the girls. I turn my attention back to the sales clerk as he look at me strangely.

"Uh, excuse me, sir but did you see a group of girls walk by this shop?" I asked the sales clerk with shock in my eyes and wonder on my face.

"Yes I did! You know Alfea got some new fairy students attending their school today!" The sales clerk confirmed with a smile.

I quickly ran out of the glasses store with the red glasses frame still on my face. People was looking at me with confusion written on their faces. I grabbed my phone to call my masters. I dialed the number of my masters. After about 4 rings the phone finally picked up.

"Hello what do you want you useless smelly ogre?" Icy annoyingly spoke to me.

"The fairies and their new friends are in Magix, I just saw them walking downtown!" I informed one of my masters.

"Are you sure? That sounds almost too good to be true. Stella's scepter must be ours! (Shout) Now, listen to me! You won't fail us this time! And if you do, I'll make triple sure that you'll never ever again take your glasses off. (Normal voice) Got it?"

"No glasses please! I promise I will no fail!"


Icy ended the phone call with me as I put my phone back up in my pocket.


My new friends and I was at the Food Stall eating our pizza. I've never had pizza before but this pizza was good! I chewed on my slice as Varanda and Fawn at this strange device out and they was putting it up to their ears.

"I don't see why my cell's not working! I dial the number but nothing happening, what about you Son- Fawn?" Varanda told as she looks sadly at her phone.

"Me neither, I'm on the same boat as you," Fawn pouted taking a bite of the pizza in front of her.

"Let me have a look. I'm very good with electronic things!" Tecna spoke with a smiled.

Veranda and Fawn passed their phones over to Tecna. Once Tecna took a good look at their phones and she started to laugh.

"Tecna, what's so funny?" Musa asked as she was confused about what's so funny.

"This is prehistoric technology is so ancient!" Tecna laughed again.

"But... it's the most recent model?" Varanda questioned as she looked sadder than before.

I then noticed that Stella was suspiciously whispering over to Fawn and Varanda which raise my confusion if the two girls by a little.

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