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Next day, Magical Reality Chamber Tecna

"I am sure, you must have heard quite a bit about this place already. This is it! The Alfea Magical Reality Chamber. The chamber is the product of the most powerful kind of magic that exists; secret, ancient spells and potions are combined to create just the right mix of magical energy to produce a virtual world and any kind of virtual situation imaginable!" Professor Palladium said with a smile on his face.

We was the Magical Reality Chamber as Professor Palladium was seating in the seat that operates the machine. The whole class was inside the Chamber getting a good glimpse of it.

"How about a virtual situation where there's not midterm!?" Stella said causing the whole class to laugh.

"Yes but it could also create quite a different situation; one where the test lasts forever," Professor Palladium said abruptly stopped the whole class. "Let me explain to you what it's like inside the chamber. While the world is virtual, the reality is not; when it's cold you will really feel cold and if a rock falls and hits you, believe me you will feel it. Some like to say the magical reality test is what separates the fairies from the pixies. I think it's true,"

Professor Palladium got out of his chair and ordered us to follow him inside the Chamber.

" Help me study? Tonight," Stella whispered to me as I looked at her with a smile.

"Oh sure!" I said to Stella.


"Your midterm will be a survival test. The chamber will randomly select a dead planet for you. It will then place you on a virtual version of this planet's surface where you will have to survive extremely desolate conditions!" Professor Palladium explained to the class.

"First step: grow some plants!" I said with a smile.

"Note to self: bring family gardener on the journey!" Stella said under her breath but loud enough for us to hear.

"Stella! You can't bring anyone with you!" Bloom told Stella.

"If you bring someone then you get a 0!" Sonya said as she pointed out.

"Right. Survive without a staff? You must be joking!" Stella said in a shocking tone.

"I'll think you'll be fine without your staff Stella!" Musa patted Stella's shoulder with reassurance.

Stella laughed as she quickly stopped laughing.

"You may bring potion ingredients but nothing else. You will have to rely solely on your Winx to survive. As it should be!" Professor Palladium smiled with his arms behind his back.

Cloud Tower, Trix's dorm: Darcy

"I sent out Knut for the coriandum-verbosum. He should be back soon!" I told my sisters walking towards them forming a semicircle.

"Then let's warm up. If we do this right we should be able to astral project ourselves right into the magical reality chamber!" Icy said with a evil smile as she grabbed mine and Stormy's hands.

"So we can mess Bloom and Sonya up without even leaving the dorm!" As an evil grin appeared on my face.

"It's both convenient and wicked all at once!"

"Let's try it right now!" Stormy said with an evil smile.

We focused our powers and an energy balls form at the hands. Stormy conjures her Whisperian Crystal as our Whisperian Crystal appeared before us.

"My crystal is set!" Stormy smiled evilly.

"The same for me!" I replied with the same expression.

"Good as well as I!" Icy commented.

"Whisperian Triangle!" Me and my sisters said as our crystals levitated up in the air.

The crystals float into the air and are connected by purple lightning. An image of us is reflected in the centre of the triangle.

"It's working wickedly well. Now all we need is the potion and we'll be set to crash Sonya and Bloom's test. The power will be ours!" Icy said with an evil smile.

"But they has to unleash it so we can capture it, right? So what if they doesn't use the Dragon Fire nor the Mystic Fire?" Stormy questioned with wondered.

"They will as long as we make them really mad. Sonya will be easy to make her upset but what about Bloom she seems like a tough cookie to make mad," I explained to my sisters.

"Then we keep pushing Bloom's buttons and she'll release the power just like Sonya and their Prince Charmings can't do nothing to stop nor save them from the Trix!" Icy with an evil laugh trailing behind her sentence.

Next day: Musa

"All righty!" Professor Palladium said with excitement.

"I'm really not feeling!" I said feeling sick.

"I even forgot what I studied!" Flora said as she looked tired.

"Now, remember this is not make-believe so be careful! Don't get hurt. Got it?" Professor Palladium said with worry but still smiling.

"Oh no!" Flora said as it seemed like she was going to faint.

"Hey, it's cool. There's an emergency button, right?" I said as I hoped there will be an emergency button inside the exam.

"Can I press it right now!" Stella asked as she look terrified.

"Let's get going. So do we have any volunteers? In that case we'll just have to go alphabetically!" Professor Palladium said he got his clipboard out with the rooster full of the students' names.

"uh?! Hey, how about drawing straws? Or rock, paper, scissors, maybe?" Bloom suggested with a nervous smile.

"Yea, I agree!" Sonya said with a nervous smile.

"Bloom, you're ready!" Flora exclaimed.

"Bloom, what potion ingredients are you guys going to bring along?" The Professor Palladium asked with a smile.

"Um, I have the starter kit we got in lab class. So do I choose the planet?" Bloom asked with wonder.

But one thing I know for sure is that it's better Bloom than me taking that exam.

"No, the chamber picks it for you!" Professor Palladium said with a smile as he sat down in the seat.

"Question. Has anyone ever like not survived?" Stella asked as she raised her hand.

I nudged Stella as she mumbled the words ouch. Soon Professor Palladium answered the question and Bloom test began.

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