Sixty - one

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Headmistress Faragonda's office: Flora

Me and the Winx was standing right before Headmistress Faragonda and Miss Griselda. We told them our side of the story, feom beginning to end. They both wore a scolding stare to their face. I glance down at my shoes nervous of what Headmistress Faragonda and Miss Griselda have to say.

"You left the school grounds without permission, used your powers irresponsibly and ruined the Day of the Royals! You sullied our reputation in front of the most important figures in Magix!" Headmistress Faragonda scolded.

"This is grounds for expulsion!" Miss Griselda showing her anger wrinkles.

"Griselda is right and we will meet with the council to decide whether you will be invited back to Alfea next year,"

"It's all my fault!" Bloom exclaimed.

"No it's my fault, after all I torn up the whole bathroom!" Emalia points out.

"We know what you did Miss Emalia! Normally, we'd suspend their powers but at this point of the semester I suggest dilution so that they may continue their studies," Miss Griselda chimes sternly.

"That's fine!" Headmistress Faragonda agrees staring at each one of us.

"A fifty percent dilution will keep them out of trouble!" Miss Griselda added.

"Huh?" Me and the Winx said coincidentally together.

"But we told you how the boys lied to us!" Stella exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah they did! Don't we get a pass for that!" I chimed hoping that could get us off the hook.

"That's NO excuse! You have abused your privileges and disregarded your responsibilities; you have disgraced Alfea!" Miss Faragonda told us with anger.

"Your punishment has already been decided so go to your room!" Miss Griselda ordered.

Stella and Emalia's room: Stella

Me and the Winx was scattered around me and Emalia's room. Bloom was not here as she was on the balcony with Kiki. I explain the story to the girls and they were speechless.

"So Brandon and Sky switched identities before starting school at Red Fountain?" Tecna asking the question but answered it.

"Word is: he wanted to see what it'd it be like to be a regular guy. Like that's a reason to be disrespecting my peeps!" Musa exclaimed with disgust on her face.

"It doesn't matter, I am SO over Sky!" I pointed out with my head up high.

"Don't you mean Brandon?" Emalia questioned petting Kekipi.

"Yea that too!"

"Either way! That's very impressive, good for you Stella!" Flora cheered me on.

"Huh! I just don't wanna hear his name every again, you got that?!" I shouted.

"What about you Emalia?" Musa asked poking Emalia's side.

"Falen was met to marry a princess name Yasmin!"

"That pig!" Tecna exclaimed with hatred.

"He played you? I would at least thought you was the only one out of us three to find a happy ending!" I said in disbelief.

"Why do you think she destroyed the bathroom for?!" Musa points out.

"He played me and I fell for it like an idiot!" Emalia cried as Kekipi was licking her tears away.

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