Fifty -three

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A/n: I would like to thank you guys for giving this story 9K reads! 🎉🎊🎉🎊 Like I said before I never thought it will reach this status of readers! So I would like to thank you guys because without your love and support for this story, the story will not have developed into its lovely nor beautiful direction! So thanks again and always let's get back to the story!!!


I'm glad we arrived just in time to save Bloom. But that joy was cut short when Stormy came over and made two twisters surrounding me and my friends.

"STAY TOGETHER!" Musa shouted over the twisters, while we all was flying in a group.

"STOP!!!" I heard Bloom shouted.

Then indigo purple rope appeared around me, Tecna, Stella, Emalia, and Musa while the twisters was still circling around me.

"I'm sorry guys but I have to do this to break us free," Emalia skin turned a dark purple.

I could feel the heat radiating from Emalia's body. The rope was loosing up as Emalia increased her body heat. After a few seconds the indigo colored rope was off of us. Leaving the twister still surrounding us. I could see the Stormy's twisters was losing its power while a monster was roaring in the background.

"Winx we could slip through since Stormy is not controlling her twisters properly!" I pointed at an opening.

"Let's go and kick some witches butt!" Tecna cheered causing the rest of the Winx to cheer flying to the opening.

Me and the Winx came out of the opening to see Bloom have transformed into her Winx form protecting a girl. Emalia quickly flew over to Bloom as me and the other Winx stood still frozen.


I stood beside Bloom protecting the girl that I assume is a witch. The Trix laughed pointing at me, Bloom, and the girl behind us. Bloom and I flew up to match the height level of the Trix with them still laughing.

"Look sisters the weak pixie is protecting a suppose to be witch!" Stormy jeered.

"She's not a witch, a real witch would team up with us and teach these weak pixies who truly rules Magix!" Darcy added on.

"Well sisters lets show Mirta what a real witch look and act like!" Icy help put her hand as a light blue light was coming out of Ivy's hand.

"Leave her alone!" Bloom gritted her teeth.

Icy ignored her and raise her hand up about to zap the girl that seemed to be named Mirta.

"Didn't you hear what my friend said leave Mirta alone!" I ordered but it was too late.

Me and Bloom started to glow causing the Trix to be scared. Once I felt truly charged Bloom and I unleashed our power. Sending a powerful rays towards the Trix. The Trix was gone as smile was left behind them.

Everyone floated done, changing back to our normal girl. I flew to the thick bushes as I was stuck inside it will leaves of the bushes stuck in my hair.

"That some major Winx power!" Stella cheered.

"Bloom and Emalia, your powers rocks! Wait where is Bloom and Emalia!??" Musa asked sounding like she was looking for me and Bloom.

"Hey I'm over here!" Me and Bloom said.

Flora came over to me helping me out the bush. She also helped me picked the green leaves of the bush off of me and out out of my hair. I searched around the now quiet forest for Mirta, Bloom's new friend but she was gone expect for a pumpkin.

"Bloom where's your new friend at?" I asked with my hands on my hips.

"What do you mean where is she, she should still be here with us?" Bloom answered looking around to realize why I asked that question. "Wait she is gone!!! Did the Trix take her while we blasted away by our attack?"

"Probably the only thing left in her place is a pumpkin," Tecna held up in her hands.

Wait a minute, I examine the pumpkin and it had that same hair charm as that Mirta girl. Not taking me long to realize that Icy turned Mirta into a pumpkin.

"Girls, we got to get that pumpkin back to Alfea!" I ran but skid to a stop to hear Musa's question.

"Why? What's up with the pumpkin?" Musa pondered examining the pumpkin.

"Because that pumpkin is Mirta,"

The girls gasped and we quickly ran back to Alfea with Mirta the pumpkin in my arms.

Few minutes later: Falen

I parked the bike, taking my helmet off. I walked through the school catching eyes of the other fairies. Then I see Sonya walking by holding Kekipi in her arms. A smile appeared on my face. I ran after Sonya, passing through fairies as they were blushing.

"SONYA!" I yelled waving my hand.

It was like in slow motion when Sonya turned around to smile at me. Kekipi roared at me leaping out of Sonya's arms. Kekipi purred and wrapped around my legs. Kekipi quickly ran to Sonya.

"Hey Falen, what are you doing here?" Sonya smiled.

"I actually missed you and wanted to catch up with you!" I smiled back.

"Yeah we have a lot to talk about!"

"So what are you doing with Kekipi?"

"I was going to teach him how to fly since it's past his time to learn to fly!"

Kekipi came up to Sonya's face. He pouted and licked her face, she giggled her addictive giggle.

"Okay fine we can do it later but you will learn how to fly mister!" Sonya giggled.

"Is there a place for us to talk?" I asked with a smile.

"Yea there's a bench on the other side of Alfea, I'll show you!"

Sonya gently grabbed my hand and led me to the bench. Kekipi rested on top of Sonya's head. He was roaring his little heart out which is cute. I see the light purple bench that was outlooking the flower field and the beautiful early afternoon sun. Sonya moved her hands and a little black ball of yarn appeared in her hands. Kekipi pounce on the black ball of yarn.

"I'm glad to see Falen!" Sonya smiled brightly.

"Me 2 Son, how have you been!?" I asked with the same smile.

"I've been good but I go by Emalia if you didn't know! Me and the girls had to fight the Trix again but this time we took in a witch that is named Mirta and Icy turned her into a pumpkin!"

"Emalia? Thats a pretty name for a pretty girl! But those witches are always up to no good but I heard that Brandon took her over to Cloud Tower to learn about her powers, I wonder how that went?"

"Clearly not good for Bloom since she cried herself to sleep in the woods and thanks!"

"Really!! Is she okay?"

"Yes she fine, but I told her not go to Cloud Tower for that reason. I talked to her and she actually thought that her powers were evil! That shocked me because my powers are evil, true evil! Sometimes I can't even control it let alone get a grip on it!"

"I'm pretty sure your powers are not evil because you are not evil! My mom always told me when I was a little boy, "don't let your title as Prince soon to be King to get in your head or make you into something you are not l!", it's the same with you! Don't let your "evil" powers make up who you are and what you do!"

"Yea your right and thanks love!"

"You're welcome now let's teach Kekipi how to fly!"

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