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Inside the Magical Reality Chamber: Bloom

I've decide to take my mid-term exam on a planet called Domino. I looked around the place and it looked awful. I wondered how can a place get like this. There was no grass but dried up dirt that formed different cracks. There was no fully grown trees but little thin branch of a tree that didn't hold any leaves. Dead leaves scattered across the vacated place. Searching around the desolated place I didn't see or notice one sign of good source this planet had.

"Well, I will definitely need a food source!" I said putting my book bag down rummaging for a potion or something to use for food source until Kiko popped out of the book bag. "Oh, Kiko! I don't think bunnies are allowed here. I guess it's okay. I'm gonna plant an eco-totalis tree!"

I continued to rummage through my back as Kiko looked at me with his usual silly smile. I pulled a package of seeds from my bag and scatters them on the ground. I got in a M shaped position on the ground as I dug a little whole in the dirt. I covered the seeds with the dirt, resting my hands on top of the seed covered dirt.

"It might not be that tasty but it's got all the nutrients we'll need to survive. And all we're supposed to have to do is add soil and some Winx and say "grow up acceleradum." I said to myself as chanted the spell. 

I activated the seeds and a few seconds later a plant grew up from the seed covered dirt.

"Cool it worked!" I cheered for myself with happiness.

Then I felt this eery feeling from behind me. I felt the atmosphere of Domino shifted from being desolate with just me and Kiko to a 3 more people here with me and Kiko. I turned around to see Icy, Darcy, and Stormy before me as they had their evil smirks on their faces.

"Look she did so well sisters!" Icy commented as she floated in the air above me.

"What do you guys want I'm going an exam!" I shouted as I didn't want to be bothered by those 3 witches.

"Extra-credit question: can you survive this?!" Darcy shouted as Darcy points to the sky and attacks with her magic. "Remote Witch Slap!"


I felt light head as my mind was clouded with negativity. The pounding got harder and quicker than the last. Falling to my knees worrying Professor Palladium and my fellow classmates.

"Sonya are you okay?" Professor Palladium asked me as he put his hand on my shoulder with worry.

"My head..... it keeps pounding.... something is.....going wrong in.... the Magical Reality Chamber..... with Bloom!" I said weakly.

"But my system-" Professor Palladium was cut off by the systems of the Magical Reality Chamber was going off with a warning sign appearing on the screen.

Professor Palladium's hand left my shoulder to go to the system to try to fix it. Musa and Stella was holding me up as I still felt that pounding feeling in my head take over me.

"Stella and Musa take Sonya to the nurse so that pounding feeling can go away!" Professor Palladium told Musa and Stella.

"No I'll stay, Bloom needs me and I've never left her side when she needs me so I won't do that now!" I said strongly causing the class and Professor Palladium to look at me with worry.

"Okay if you insists," Professor Palladium repels as he went back to fix the problem.

"I think I know what the problem is if you let me take over for a bit if you don't mind,"

"Of course go right ahead Sonya!"

Professor Palladium got out of the chair he was sitting in and Stella and Musa walked me over to the Magical Reality Chamber system. As I got closer my head started hurting even worsen but I kept a strong head pretending it wasn't bothering me when it was. I put my hands on the screen and I instantly saw Icy, Darcy, and Stormy's faces. Then appeared Bloom's damaged face as she was in the ground in pain.

I gasped as I shook my head causing the whole class to worry about me again.

"What's the matter and what's the issue with the Magical Reality Chamber system?" Professor Palladium asked me with worry.

"You have a witch infestation in your system that includes the witches from Cloud Tower! Icy, Darcy, and Stormy, the Trix!" I replied with a serious look as the whole class and even Professor Palladium was in shock.

Trix's dorm: Stormy

Me and my sisters hold a doll like figure of ourselves as before us show a worried Bloom as our fake figures was fighting Bloom.

"Quit playing around Darcy! Let's mess this little pixie up!" Icy demanded as she was shaking her figurine slightly as she was battling Bloom.

"Yeah! She's surrounded!" I shouted in excitement as me and my sisters figurines crowded around her.

"All right, let's get her!" Darcy commended as I could hear her heart beat with pleasure.

"AHHHHH STOP IT!" Bloom shouted as me and my sisters attached her.

"This is so much fun, we should play with dolls more often!" I stated as I was enjoying beating Bloom with these dolls.

"Stop it! Leave me alone! Stop!" Bloom yelled as she was trying to break free.

"Ready to make Bloom use get Dragon Fire!" Icy asked as she looked at Darcy and then at me for confirmation.

"Let's do it!" Me and Darcy said simultaneously with a evil grin on our faces.

"The Whisperian net is set!" I said with a smile on my face as it surrounded Bloom.

"Excellent! Let's bait her until she blows her red-headed stack and I've got the perfect attack to get us rolling. Check it out, it affects you both physically and emotionally. I call it the cosmic witch-up!" Icy said with an evil smile.

Darcy casted the spell first and then Icy casted the spell with an devilish grin on her face.

"I think it will be great if we add some hail and rain to this party!" Icy said with an evil smile.

Then I casted my spell with joy adding some lightning to the mix of this beloved chaos we are causing for this poor Bloom.

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