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We was all laughing but then Stella fainted and transformed back to her normal self. Me and Sonya dropped to our knees and picked Stella up.

"Sonya we have to take her back to my house since it's close to the park and we won't cause any attention!" I said holding Stella's left side with Kiko on my shoulder.

"Right and we have to fix your pants leg since those creatures torn up your pants!" Sonya pointed to my pants leg.

"I can.....fix....that but I energy in.......order that," Stella said weakly.

"We have to hurry and get her to your house Bloom!" Sonya said worriedly.

"Come on let's go!" I said moving fast along with Sonya as we get Stella to my house.

Soon we made it back to my house with my parents looking crazy at me and Sonya. Then coming from the doorway of the kitchen was Sonya's parents as they have the same look on their face. Me and Sonya placed Stella on the couch as Sonya and I tried to explain the story to our parents about what have happened to Stella.

"So you are telling us that this young lady, Stella, is a fairy?" Sonya's father said confused scratching his black hair.

"Yes dad!" Sonya exclaimed in excitement in her voice.

"And you found her in the park fighting a ogre and his minions?" My dad questioned looking skeptical about our true story.

"Yes dad, don't you guys understand?" I questioned back hoping they understand.

"I do understand you girls need to lay off those fairy books for a while and Mike call the police or something to get this girl some help!" Sonya dad said with his arms folded.

"No please don't do it," Stella said weakly with her hand on her head.

"She's coming to, Nathaniel, sweetie are you okay?" Sonya Mom asked with a motherly smile on her face.

"Yes if you need anything let us know!" My Mom said with the same smile.

"I'm fine but thanks to your daughters if they wasn't there who knows what could of happened to me back at the park!" Stella gave us a weak smile.

"Stella what is your parents phone number?" My dad asked Stella as he was getting closer to the phone.

"You can't call them because it will be difficult to reach them. I come from a far far away from here on a planet called Solaria. It's a Kingdom and I'm a fairy who is trying to go to Alfea College for girls like me in the Magix Realm but-" Stella was cut off by my dad getting the phone.

"Okay I'm officially calling the police this young lady is going out of her mind!"

Then before I knew it Stella pointed her fingers on the phone and turned it into carrot and a piece of lettuce causing me and Sonya to giggle. My parents were shocked especially my dad along with Sonya's parents as well.

"See I told ya!" Sonya said with a huge smile on her face.

"Alright do you believe me NOW!" Stella shouted hoping for our parents to believe her.

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