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A/n: I just want to say thank you for letting this story hit 2K reads and it's crazy how so many people actually liking and taking the time to read this story fatefully. It really like touches my heart and especially to see people adding it to their reading list,even voting and commenting on how good the story is!


"Those stupid fairies are looking for Stella, sisters!" I smirked showing my white teeth.

"Let them maybe they have ring of Solaria with them unlike our hostage Stella!" Icy turned around staring at Stella as she had the rings around her body, struggling to get out.

"The more you struggle dear the tighter the rings are around you!" Darcy teased as she laughed.

"I will get out and once my friends get here you will pay!" Stella said moving around as the rings started to become tighter around her body.

"Oh shut up already!" Icy waved her hand and tape was on her lips.

"We should let Knut bring those idiot fairies to come over here in a trap!" Darcy said smiling.

"Good idea sister, KNUT BRING YOUR WORTHLESS BUTT OVER HERE!" I folded my arms across my chest.

"Yes masters," Knut said nervously.

"I want you to bring those simpleminded fairies over here and don't fail us!" Icy told Knut firmly.

"Yes masters and I won't fail you!"

We snapped our fingers and Knut changed from a ogre to a short human being. Knut rushed out of the little ugly house as we waited for those fairies to come for our ambush.


After we left Red Fountain school we went to the streets of Magix asking people about the Black Lagoon Cafe. And so far we didn't have the best of luck. We all sat on the curb of the pavement defeated.

"This invitation says meet up at the Black Lagoon Cafe," Bloom said as she was holding the invitation in front of her face.

"I looking through my search engine and it doesn't say anything about the restaurant," Tecna stayed as she put her search engine machine up.

"Maybe its a fake restaurant," Sonya said with her hands on her cheeks making come up her eyes.

"Yea maybe it's a sick joke which caused Stella to be upset!" I said adding on to Sonya's idea.

"Let's just go back to Alfea, maybe Stella cooled off and back in the dorm ready to apologize to us," Tecna said getting up from the pavement.

"Wait we can still ask around for a little way," Bloom said getting up as well from the pavement.

"Bloom, just because you took that potion doesn't mean you're in charge!" Tecna argued.

"Well I'm sorry if I worry about my friends!" Bloom fuss back.

"Okay, people now just relax!" Flora said trying to calm down the tension between Bloom and Tecna.

"Let's not forget about Stella and this fake Black Lagoon Cafe Restaurant," Sonya reminded us.

"Did you I just hear you cats say you were looking for the Black Lagoon Cafe? Wow, man! That joint is like the hippest tip! You know, what I'm sayin'? It's like totally underground! You cats have got to check it out, though maybe you're not cool enough!" The strange guy said as he smirked at the end.

The strange man is much shorter, less large and has light brown hair. He retains his sideburns and wears blue, oval glasses. He has light tan skin, wears a gray and maroon jacket, light blue jeans and maroon sneakers.

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