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Few days later: Sonya

Bloom fought off the Trix, my headaches disappeared, and Magical Reality Chamber is fixed. I was walking around Alfea with one of my study books in one of my hand while the other hand holds Kekipi's collar as he was walking excitedly. I was too busy reading for my mid-term exam that I bumped into someone, knocking the book out of my hand. Kekipi growled at the stranger while I picked up the book. Glancing my eyes up to see Professor Palladium with a smile on his face. I smiled at the Professor closing my book in my hand.

"I'm so sorry Professor Palladium, I should of watch where I'm walking!" I apologized with an apologetic smile on my face.

"No it's all right Sonya, would you like to follow me to the Magical Reality Chamber to help me with something?" Professor Palladium asked me with a cheerful smile on his face.

"Sure! And Kekipi stop growling!"

Kekipi followed my order but he glared at Professor Palladium with a death glare. It was strange since Kekipi never growled at anyone before nor did he look like this at anyone. As we was walking to Magical Reality Chamber, I got this spine tingling feeling that something bad is going to happen.

"Oh Professor Palladium I think Kekipi is very hungry and I must feed him this instant!" I lied hoping I could get away from the Professor. I turned around to walk back to my dorm but was yanked back by Professor Palladium.

"That little beast will be alright!" Professor Palladium said aggressively as I let go of the book and the leash to Kekipi.

"Beast? That's my baby you talking about! And let go of me!"

Professor Palladium was dragging me to the Magical Reality Chamber room leaving Kekipi and my book behind as I tried to get Professor Palladium's grip to loosen on my wrist. Kekipi roared his baby roar as I was soon out of his sight.


Me and Stormy was waiting for Darcy to bring Sonya in this Magical Reality Chamber room. I folded my arms as my patient was down to the last straw while Stormy was filing her nails.

"When will Darcy come with that little brat?" I said in annoyance of waiting.

"It shouldn't be too long since it's easy to fool Sonya with that Professor Palladium get up!" Stormy laughed at the end.

"Whatever you say Stormy!"

Then I heard the door slammed loudly with "Professor Palladium" and Sonya inside the Chamber. My light blue lips curled into a evil smile as Sonya was pushed to the ground.

"Professor Palladium" snapped "his" finger and reveal it was Darcy. Stormy stopped filing her nails as Sonya lifted her head as she saw me and my sisters lookin down at her.

"Sonya I'm glad you could join the party! I'm happy you decided to come because it wouldn't be a party without you here!" I said with evil tone of voice.

"I wished I wasn't invited personally, since I'm not a party type of person well not these kind of parties!" Sonya said smartly as she got up with her hands on her hips.

"Well lets warm up the party for you to make you more comfortable! Shall we sisters?!" Stormy smiled as she looked me and Darcy with approval.

"We shall! Sisters!" Darcy said as she got her powers ready.

"Well I guess since I'm invited to this party I must show out! SONYA MAGIC WINX!" Sonya said as a bright light blinded me and my sisters.


I parked my bike at the entrance of Alfea wanting to surprise Sonya and also to check up on her as I heard from Bloom that Sonya was having a terrible headache. I took my helmet off leaving it on my seat of my bike as I was walking inside the school. Then I heard an all familiar baby roar coming closer to me, know it was Kekipi. I could tell something was wrong when I didn't see Sonya with Kekipi which was strange since they never leave each other side unless it was Sonya class time. I ran over to Kekipi as he grabbed a mouthful of my jeans pulling me in the direction he came from.

"Kekipi where is Sonya?" I asked worried.

Kekipi roared another roar and it's like understood was he was roaring by his tone of roar and he's face. Sonya was in trouble at the Magical Reality Chamber as I grew worried and determined to save her.

"Kekipi go get the other Winx and bring them to the Magical Reality Chamber," I told Kekipi as he nodded his head as ran down the other side of the hallway getting the girls.

I got my sword out and ran to the Magical Reality Chamber to see Sonya fighting the Trix all by herself. I gasped as Sonya was taking some of the Trix's spell as she looked weak but she was holding up.

"SONYA!" I shouted hoping to get her attention.

I see Sonya turned her head as she looked at me with a somewhat tired smile on her face. Then Stormy used that as her opportunity to attack Sonya which hit Sonya hard. I could hear the Trix evil laugh as I ran over to the doors of the chamber. I opened the door to see the Trix about to finish Sonya off but I couldn't let that happen. I threw my sword that almost cut the witches throats if they kept on walking towards Sonya but lucky I got their attention off of Sonya until she regain her strength. I grabbed the hilt of my sword as it swung back towards me. The Trix growled as they was angry with me but I could careless.

"Darcy I thought I told you to lock the doors of the Chamber!" Icy asked as she was frustrated by the inconvenience of my presence.

"I forgot since I got so antsy!" Darcy answered with her arms folded within each other.

"Well let's finish him before little miss pixie get her strength back!" Stormy said as she started to attack me.

Before I could dodge it a powerful purple and black energy ball made Stormy's attack disappeared. Me and the Trix turned our heads to see Sonya slowly getting up with her hands out. She smirked at me but she stopped and glared at the Trix, I'd glared could kill then the Trix would of been dead.

"Nobody hurts my Falen unless you want to deal with me!" Sonya gritted her teeth as she straighten up her back making her look powerful and had me blushing of how beautiful she looks right now.

"Stormy handled that wanna be Specialists while me and Darcy handle Sonya!" Icy ordered and the fight with us began.

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