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Next day: Stella

It was the next day and Bloom and Sonya was outside the wishing well. Me and the other girls walked up behind Bloom as Sonya noticed us coming towards them.

"HEY BLOOM!" I shouted with excitement scaring Bloom and causing Sonya to giggle at Bloom's reaction. "What are you guys up too?"

"I'm waiting for Sky and Falen to come and get me and Bloom!" Sonya said with a smile on her face.

"I threw a coin in a wishing well!" Bloom smiled well more like blushing.

"Does your wish involves a blonde haired with blue eyes that goes to Red Fountain?!"

"No that's not what I wished for!" Bloom blushed turning into a red tomato.

"Yes it is, stop lying!" Musa said with a smile.

"Come bloom lets be honest!" Sonya teased.

"You are free Sonya!" Tecna smirked.

"Actually I am, since I'm going as a some what third wheel!" Sonya smiled at me and the girls.

"Well let's be clear you was just as excited as Bloom was yesterday when Falen asked you to go on the walk with Bloom and Brandon!" Flora pointed out as she giggled.

"I was not!" Sonya pouted like a little kid.

"It's okay just be truthful like you said earlier!" I teased with a smile.

Before we know it two bikes landed right in front of us. A smirk grew on our faces expect for Bloom and Sonya. The boys took off their helmets to reveal their faces and it was Brandon and Falen.

"It looks like our little Bloom and Sonya are going on a date!" I smiled.

"Yea where did the time goes?" Musa smiled with her arms crossed.

Sonya and Bloom rolled their eyes together as they greeted the boys and got on their bikes but as they was about to go something or some cute Gynosphinx stopped them from leaving. Kekipi made a cute baby roar indicating to Sonya that he wants to go too. Sonya smiled and got Kekipi in her lap as Falen started the bike leaving Alfea.

Red Fountain: Brandon

"You know, I didn't really like school last year!" I smiled as I walked next to Bloom with my dog Lady next to me.

"What made you change your mind about it?" Bloom asked me with a cute curiosity look on her face.

"Uhh, there are better people around this year,"

After I said that I cleared my throat hoping Bloom didn't get that I was talking about her. I looked over at Bloom as her eyes looked into mine and then around Red Fountain.

"And other stuff too. They started selling glazed doughnuts at breakfast, the glazed ones are the best!" I smiled as I headed Bloom gorgeous laugh. "So how's Alfea?"

" It's cool! I like it but we have our first midterm tomorrow morning," Bloom replied as she looked back at me.

"They're no fun,"

I threw the stick so Lady can go fetch for it. Then before I knew it Lady came back with the stick in her mouth.

"Hey don't sweet you'll do fine!" I said with a smile directing it towards Bloom. "LADY FETCH!"

I threw the stick again as Lady followed after the stick. Then I heard Bloom sighed as I glance over to her.

"It's a difficult midterm - magical reality," Bloom seemed a little bit down and I wouldn't blame her.

"No way! Heard that story about the girl who disappeared in the chamber? Wow!" I said with a shock look on her face.

"Yeah, I don't think that one's true. But Tecna says your performance on this midterm is an accurate prediction of your long-term success at Alfea!"

"I'm sure you'll do well, Bloom!"

"Thanks. I hope so,"


Me and Sonya went the other way around Red Fountain. As we was walking Kekipi walked ahead of us as he was being the usual Gynosphinx chasing after a little butterfly. I'm glad I get to walk with Sonya!

"So you got to tell me the rest of the story!" Sonya laughed.

"I can't it's even more embarrassing as it gets to the end!" I laughed myself at the thought of my embarrassing story of my past.

"Okay you don't have to tell me but I will find out myself!"

Sonya continued to laugh as she was leaning next to me. I could feel her body heat and it was warm like the summer sun.

"But hey I heard from the other specialists that the fairies of Alfea is having the Magical Reality mid-term test," I said changing the subject.

"Yea but let's not talk about that," Sonya said as her sudden mood changed.

"Why is that, you nervous?"

"It's not because I'm nervous I just have this weird feeling that something bad is going to happen when I'm and Bloom take the test,"

Sonya stopped walking and so did Kekipi but he started walking towards Sonya. He put his paws on her lower calf of her legs as she smiled down at him. She picked him up and walked over to the benches. I walked over to her as I sat next to Sonya on the benches. Kekipi was sitting and resting in Sonya's lap.

"Why you say that?" I asked Sonya with worry.

"Have you ever felt like something bad is going to happen but you don't know when but you have this strong feeling?" Sonya asked as she was looked at me with a curious look on her face.

"Yea I do!"

"That's what I've been feeling since I got to Alfea since I was born, I could never understand why I felt this way but I still somewhat don't! I think my whole life was a life I wasn't suppose to live and plus I can sense negative energy like I'm a hound dog!"

I felt sorry for Sonya as she was pouring her heart out to me. Tears ran down her delicate face. I turned to her wiping away tears. It broke my heart to see her in this state and I wouldn't want to see her in this state again. I looked into her as her eyes filled with tears along them look glossy. I put my hand under her chin making her look at me. Sonya stopped crying but tears still remain to come down. As I was going in to kiss her but I immediately stopped.

Seeing Brandon and Bloom said with a smile on their face and Brandon said it was time for the girls to go back to Alfea for their studies. I nod my head and took Sonya's hand leading her back to my bike. I rod back to Alfea as Sonya got off my bike. She blushed and kissed my cheek with Bloom walking next to her walking back inside Alfea.

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