
3.7K 91 13

A/n: I just want to say thank you for getting this story 1K reads!! When I started this story 1 month about to be 2 months ago I didn't think this story was really going to go this far. I was writing this story to just reminisce and twist the story for the readers(you) to feel like you are apart of the story. While trying to keep it towards the original parts of the show that we love and show the Winx and the new Winx(Sonya) in a new life!! But again thanks for the reads and let's keep the reads up!!


I searched for that rebellious eagle lion cub everywhere in Lake Roccaluce. Did Kekipi (keh-KEE-pee) wonder off in the forest? Knowing that cub, he probably did causing more trouble than he should.

"Daphne have you seen Kekipi anywhere?" I asked appearing in front of Daphne as she was reading one of the ancient books of fairy magic.

"No I haven't, did the little cub ran away again?" Daphne asked as she closed the book.

"Yes I assume he went to look for Emalia, you know he's been doing that since he was assigned to her,"

"If he's doing that then I'm pretty sure he found her,"

"But what if he didn't find her and caused trouble for himself and got hurt,"

"Well now that you put it that way how about we go find Kekipi,"


Bloom went up to the bushes while clearing them to get a better view of the troll that is causing trouble to Amaryl's group.

"Yep that's most definitely the troll from before who was hanging around Knut!" Bloom stated letting go of the bushes. 

"All right everybody, I got the perfect plan! Phase one: the girls distract the troll," Sky said looking at me and the Winx.

"Huh?" Me and the Winx said together confused by the plan.

"Ummmm Sky repeat that plan out to us again because I know I didn't hear you say that the Winx are the distraction?" Sonya said smartly.

"Yes I did is there a problem?" Sky replied

"Yes I'm not and I refuse to be a troll's meal!" Stella exclaimed pouting.

"I'm with Stella on that one," I replied with my arms crossed.

"No way we are going that, cause Brandon and Timmy'll pin him down, then Riven, Falen, and I jump in and slip the shackles on him!" Sky said reassuring me and the Winx.

"Sounds like a....... great plan," Tecna replied as she looks unsure about this plan.

"But whose gonna distract the troll?" Flora asked with worry.

"I'll distract the troll," Sonya said bravely.

"Not by yourself you won't!" Bloom said with a smile pulling Sonya close to her in a friend side hug.

"Well I'm join in on the distraction plan too!" Stella said not pouting anymore.

"Okay then me, Tecna, and Flora will be the look out of anything goes wrong!" I replied with a determine smile.

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