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Flora, Tecna, Stella, and I was in mine and Tecna's room. Stella was being extra annoying than she was with Sonya and Bloom at breakfast. I pushed my bang back as I was getting frustrated with Stella tearing Flora down on her fashion sense.

"Stella, your 'tude's out of control today!" I said to Stella as I was getting tired of her tearing someone down for the today and it only late in the morning.

"Don't diss me just 'cause you got dissed, girl!" Stella smirked as she had an evil smirk on her face.

"No, I didn't!"

"You got so dissed by Riven, it's not only embarrassing, it's like tragic and pathetic!"

I can feel my blood starting to boil! I hate how Stella bring in Riven to try to win this argument.

"Please! What's pathetic is you thinking you can come into my crib and act like you're all that!" I said with anger.

"Fret not. It's not like you're totally hopeless. Look at Tecna, she chooses clothes for their fireproof qualities, yet Timmy crushes on her!" Stella said as she combed her hair from the reminding food in her hair.

"Hey watch your mouth and I like my clothes just fine!" Tecna replied as she pouted.

"Musa, just get rid of those pigtails, acquire some better denim, and don't forget make-up; the right mascara can do absolute wonders, even get Riven to call you. Riven....." Stella said with a smile but stopped when I got upset.

"So, who cares?" I said upset.

"Of course, he might be with Darcy!"

"THATS ENOUGH STELLA!" Flora shouted to restore in the room.

"Big deal, Musa knows they're together!" I shouted over Flora clearly frustrated as Stella yelps causing her to fall on the ground and the comb to fall out of her hair.

"I'm just saying, darling. If you'd seen the way Riven was drooling over Darcy, you would not like him so much. He clearly thinks she's cuter than you," Stella said as she looked innocent like she's not hurting my feelings.

"So what? I don't care what they do! I am over him!"

I stormed out of the dorm room crying pasting the students of Alfea. I could hear whisper and shout worrying comments to me but I completely ignoring them as I make my way out of the school.


Me and Bloom was walking back to the dorm as we was talking about our experience about the library. Then I pet Kekipi's head as he purred under my touch and then I noticed Musa walking towards us with her hands I her pockets. Musa head down like she was embarrassed or a shame about something.

"Hey what's wrong with you?" Bloom questioned with a concern look on her face.

Musa walked by us like Bloom didn't say anything to her.

"Musa what's the matter?" I asked but Musa continued to ignore me moving closer to the bus. "Bloom I'm going with Musa while you figure out what's the matter with her,"

Bloom nodded her head as I raced after Musa to the last bus for Magix City. Once I was on the bus immediately started looking for Musa. I pushed past the people on the bus to see Musa sitting in one of the seats with her head down and her hands intertwined in each other. Lucky there was an empty seat next to her and I sat down next to her. Musa look up and her eyes widen when she saw me sitting next to her.

"Son what are you doing here?" Musa asked me with an shocked expression.

"To help a friend in need!" Sonya smiled.

Kekipi got out my arms and walked over to Musa. He nudged his head on her tummy and purred as he smiled. Kekipi curled up to Musa as she smiled and petted his head.

"Thanks Sonya you didn't have to do it!" Musa smiled as we was on our way to Magix City

Magix City

Musa and I got off the bus while I have Kekipi in my arms. I looked at the street sign to see we stopped at Bodene Avenue. I turn my attention to Musa to see she is a few steps ahead of me while she was kicking a can beatboxing.

"Musa wait up!" I said as I chased after you.

"Oh I'm sorry Sonya!" Musa stopped and shocked that I was so far behind her.

"It's fine Musa now tell me what's wrong with you?"

"Stella buggin' if she thinks I care about Riven!"

"But deep down Musa I do believe it does bother you that Riven is with that ugly witch Darcy, you don't have to hide it from me!"

Me and Musa kept on walking until Musa stopped at a depressed looking coffee shop. I looked inside the window to see a bunch of witches in there including Darcy and Riven sitting at the table. Turning my head over to see Musa's swelling up with tears. Musa came over to me and Kekipi as Kekipi jumped on Musa's head as he was curled up in a ball. I hugged Musa as she cried until those funny looking witches Icy and Stormy came out of the coffee shop with a smirk on their faces.


"What are you fairies doing here?" I asked with a smirk on my face.

"About to walk away from this stupid witch place!" Sonya said holding Musa as she was going to turn away but was stopped by Stormy.

"Where do you pesky fairies think you're going?" Stormy questioned as she blocked Sonya and Musa from walking away from us.

"We're going back to civilization now get out of our way!" Musa shouted as she was getting upset.

"No you're not you fairy, not until you two explain what you're doing in our territory!" I asked with my arms crossed.

"We can do whatever we want and we don't have to tell you why we are here like you are our mom?" Sonya said smartly as she pushed Stormy out of her and Musa's way.

"Hey watch it, you pest!" Stormy said as she was about to use Sonya magic on her until I stopped it.

"You're not in the Harmonic Realm now, little princess, and your daddy and his hip hop palace guards aren't here to protect you! As for you Sonya you're not on Earth where your weak momma and daddy can save you with words! Remember you in the Magix dimension a place where I can turn your fairy world into a living nightmare right before your eyes!" I said with an evil smile with Stormy following my gesture.

"You know what I had enough of you!" Sonya said after she slapped me on the face as she left her red hand print on my face.

I was shocked and speechless. No one, not even a witch at Cloud Tower would dare do this to me.

"Complexion smear, wart adhere! It worked!" Musa said as she was shocked that the spell worked.

"How dare both of you!? My flawless face!" I said in total shock as a big wart appeared on my face.

"Woah, that has to be the single most disgusting wart ever!" Stormy said as she looked at the big watt on my face.

"HAHAHAHHAHAH! Good one Musa!" Sonya laughed as she was holding her teacher pet.

"Goodbye wart, gross and gory, return my beauty to its glory!" I chanted the spell to make the want to disappeared. "All gone. Now what should I do to this pig-tailed pixies to teach them to show some respect!"

"Let's mess her up!" Stormy smiled evilly.

"Yeah, yeah, you're good a trash talking. Why don't you show me what you got?" Sonya threatens as she was cracking her knuckles.

"I will! The entire Cloud Tower senior class is here and I'm gonna make an example out of you!" I said with an evil grin on my flawless face.

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