Fifty - two

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Morning: Bloom

I woke up to a pile of leaves under me and Kiko laying on my stomach sleeping. My head hurts from the information I learned last night. I knew I should of listen to Emalia but my curiosity destroyed me. I rubbed my eyes to notice the sun shining down in the Dark Forest. Kiko finally woke up yawning.

"Uh? It's morning? I guess I must have fallen asleep," I said to myself.

Kiko got off my stomach as I got up from the ground. I brushed the remaining dirt off of my clothes to notice that Kiko was leaving without me.

"Wait up, Kiko, you'll get lost!" I shouted with Kiko shouting in fear.

Ran to catch up to Kiko to see the problem to see a girl. She is a pale girl with freckles, grey eyes, and short burgundy hair that has a long blue streak in it, with a few beads separating it from the rest of her hair. The girl has a punk goth style to it. She wears a frayed white shirt with a pumpkin decal in the middle, a gray shirt underneath that shirt, and a black vest that covers both. Her black skirt has a gray layer on it and is held up by two belts, white and dark red respectively. She wears dark red leggings underneath the skirt. Her black boots are knee-high with grey straps on them. She accessorizes with grey arm cuffs.

"Are you Bloom?" The girl asked as she looked worriedly at me.

"Ummm yes I am but what's your name?" I asked with a weird but curious look on my face.

"My name is Mirta and you are in danger!" Mirta introduced as she grabbed my hand.

Another part of the Dark Forest: Darcy

Me and my sisters were walking through the forest searching for a depress Bloom. As we was walking Stormy kept using her powers to make every little thing in the forest burn. Stormy was just setting a random tree on fire.

"Take that you stupid tree!" Stormy grumbled walking by it.

That stupid and annoying duck that keeps calling Icy "mommy" was following behind us. Which who is quaking angrily at the now burning tree.

"Look at that dumb duck trying to be bad. When we get the Dragon Fire, we'll get a real pet; something awesome like a flying fire python!" I said with an evil smile.

"I don't believe it, he's talking back to us!" Stormy said shockingly.

Stormy zaps the duck with electricity and almost hits me as well. I flied backwards as my blood was boiling with anger.

"Hey! You almost hit my shoes. They are brand new!" I shouted with anger.

"Sorry. I was trying to hit the disrespectful duck!" Stormy replied sarcastically with her arms folded and rolling her eyes.

I was about to say something until Icy turned and I could see little icicles forming above Ivy's head.

"Excuse me, ladies, we're about to go steal the Dragon Fire, can you possibly try to focus?!" Icy spoke with ice really forming her hands.

"Sorry!" Me and Stormy answered back in unison.

Icy rolled her eyes as we continued to walk through the Dark Forest for Bloom again.


"So Bloom the book is fake! You are not a witch!" I explained to Bloom.

" Woah, I'm... glad you told me. But why did you? Why are you so friendly? Aren't you supposed to hate me? You are a witch?" Bloom questioned me with a curious gleam in her eyes.

Before I could tell Bloom my reasoning for telling her. A shadow came flying over us and then two more shadows did the same thing. Me and Bloom stared at the sky to see Icy and her sisters landing down before us. The Trix has their evil smile on their face but then glared at me with a not so happy look.

"As if. She's not a witch. She's an annoying little Wicca-wannabe! As well as a serious reject. No one likes her, she's desperate for friends. So desperate she'll hang out with a fairy! Mirta, you're pathetic!" Icy said as her and her sisters laughed at me.

I put my head down in sadness but I lifted my head up when I notice a hand on my shoulder. That hand belonged to Bloom as she gave me a warm smile but looked over at the Trix with a stern and determine look. A look that I could never keep up for too long in Cloud Tower before I started breaking down cry or storming out of class.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Bloom shouted at the witches with anger.

"Oh look sisters the pitiful pixie is defending the other pixie!" Stormy joked as her and her sisters continued laughing.

"That's very cute pixies really it is! But I despise cute!" Icy said, having an icy blue color ball formed in her hands.

"Illusion Delusion!" I mumbled having my eyes turned purple.

"Hey you big ugly witches, why don't you try and fight us!" One of my illusions said to the Trix.

I made an illusion of Bloom's fairy friends. I hope it buy me and Bloom sometime to figure out a plan to shake up the Trix.

"I'll get rid of them sisters!" Stormy grumbled.

Stormy conjured up up a twister and sends it flying over to my illusions. Darcy shakes her head like she knows something was off.

"Stormy don't waste your time on these weak illusions! It's just a firstie trick, an illusion that Mirta created!" Darcy replied lightly pushing Stormy out of her way.

Darcy sends magic at the illusion and they flicker and disappear.

"Frankly, I can't believe you let a Freshman trick you like that. So sad. Don't worry, I won't tell anyone!" Darcy teased laughing at Stormy.

"Hey, firstie, that might of been an illusion but this is not!" Icy said with a evil grin.

Icy used her powers to enclose me and Bloom in her ice prison before we could even move out of her attack range.

"In a matter of minutes Bloom will be so weak she'll just hand us her power. It'll be-," Icy was interrupted by something hitting her.

Then Stormy and Darcy was hit by a different energy knocking them down with their older sister Icy.

"Ice coffin? Ooh how predictable. She needs to majorly update her attack collection. Sun Power!" One of her Bloom's friend shouted as she was melting the ice around Bloom and me.

"Tecna, Musa, and Flora it's time to get down with the witches!" A girl with 2 short dark brown pigtails said with a determine smirk.

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