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Flora, Musa, Tecna, and I was already dress for the gala, I must say we are the best looking girls in this gala! The Specialists boys was mingling with us lovely fairies but I could find Prince Sky anywhere, I wonder where he could be? I looked over at Flora and Musa as they seemed spaced out having their minds wondered off somewhere.

"Flora, Musa, what's wrong?" I asked with a concern expression wondering what's the matter with my two friends.

"Nothing I'm just worry about Bloom and Sonya!" Flora said looking around the room for our two new fairy friends.

"Yeah same here they should of been here by now!" Musa added on with her hands rubbing her arms in a motherly way.

I caught a flash of someone running out the corner of my eyes. Turning my head I caught it was Bloom still in her clothes from earlier as she panicking and having news to tell us girls. Yet I wonder why Bloom is here and not dressed, also wondering where is Sonya?

"Bloom why aren't you dressed and where is Sonya?" I panicked.

"Because there was crash outside the door to our room so me and Sonya went to check it and come to find out the Trix are here, they sabotaged the gifts, and they are looking for your ring, Stella!" I informed the Winx as they looked shocked.

"So where is Sonya?" Tecna questioned with her normal somewhat unemotional expression on her face.

"Well she went to distract the Trix," Bloom told us.

"You let her do it all by herself?" Flora panicked like someone's mother.

"Yes but we have to save my ring and those gifts!" I spoke in worry.

"Okay lets go but we have to find a way to contact Sonya without letting the Trix knows she was there?" Musa asked as we raced towards the gift box.

"No worries Winx I got a way!" Bloom smiled as she put her hands on the side of her head.

"No worries Solaria ring we are on our way!" I shouted having the girls laugh at me.


Me and the Winx made it in front of the gift box that the Specialists was going to give to us. The golden case illuminated on our face as me and the girls stared in awe. Sonya landed down and she transformed back to her normal clothes. She smiled at us causing me and the Winx to sigh with relief.

"Sonya, darling are you okay did those mean witches did anything bad to you?" Stella said motherly checking for any signs of bruises, cuts, or pain all over Sonya's body.

"Mother Stella I'm fine, those witches didn't know I was there but I could tell they think it was someone else or Alfea fighting back!" Sonya replied with a smile.

"I'm glad you are okay Son, but we need to check the box to see what those evil witches did to this gift," Tecna said as she was looking at the box.

I opened the top of the chest to see the golden eggs with yellow spots. The eggs was beautiful but it's now contain something evil in it. Tecna grabbed one of the eggs and she examined it with her eyes, but she grabbed one of her devices and she scanned the egg. Her eyes widen as she looked at us like she couldn't believed what happened.

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