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Bathroom: Emalia

"You still want more?" Yasmin taunted.

"Oh please is that all you got?" I got up slowly from the recked sinks of the bathroom.


White diamonds erupted out of Yasmin hands. They were tiny like the size of an insect. The shards can blind you at a certain angle but lucky I'm at the perfect angle to not be blinded.

"LUNAR SHIELD!!!!" I casted the spell to dodge the flying diamond shards. "HE DOESN'T EVEN LOVE YOU!!!! MOON DANCE!!"

She dodge the attack but one of the attacks did hit her. She yelped stumbling back to the broken mirror. I felt power radiating from my body. The dark presence of something evil taking over me. I felt like myself but then again I didn't. This power feel so good that I don't want it to go away!

"Awww is the poor princess already given up?" I laughed evilly. "Now to finish you off completely!"

Before I could even think of a harmful spell to cast. A loud deep voice stopped me. I faced the person who dares stop me. My eyes widen with astonishment, standing before me was Falen. Falen stared at me with fear in his eyes.

I glance down at my hands to see a dark inky black aura surrounding my hands. I felt like a monster and transform back to my normal clothing. I ran past Falen but stopped.

"How could you not tell me you was suppose to be married to another girl," I tried to stop myself from letting tears come out ruining my voice tone but it slipped anyways.

"Because I was afraid I'll break your heart," Falen answered acting numb a bit.

"Well you was right my heart is broken and so are my feelings for you!!"

I ran out of the bathroom making my way back to Alfea without my friends.

Red Fountain Arena: Riven

Me and the other boys of Red Fountain was cycling around the arena or performing stunts for the audience. And I notice that Brandon was slowing down during his sword stunt with his bike. This is the perfect time to take him down!!!

"Hey Brandon you're going down!!" I announce but Brandon dodge with his sword.

"What are you doing Riven?" Brandon asked using his strength to push me back.

"Finishing what we started!!" I strike at Brandon but he reflect the attack again.

"It's not the time for this and plus you're going to make a scene!!" Brandon warned riding off from me.

"Do you really think I care? I'm going to take you out now!!!"

I was going in for the attack again. Brandon maneuvers his bike towards me, dodging my blade but nearly crashes into the two. Brandon is sent swerving onto the pavement, falling off his bike. Sky stops his bike and runs over to him like a good little Prince he is.

"Are you okay Brandon?" Sky asked his loyal squire.

"I'm. Fine," Brandon replies slowly getting up.

"It's always someone saving you or someone interrupting us! You can never finish your battles can you Brandon?" I mocked with a snicker expression on my face.

"Jus-" Sky was interrupted by an announcer for today's event.

"And now ladies and gentlemen..."

The dragons enter the arena and line up.

"From lands, distant and unexplored - the mustang dragons! These wild and dangerous beasts are the fiercest dragons of all the known realms! But fear not, our sophomores have mastered the art of dragon wrangling using only their mind and energy. They will control the creatures one thought uncontrollable!" The announcer continued to excite the crowd as me and the other try to control the dragon. "Our students are demonstrating a dragon wrangling technique invented here at Red Fountain two centuries ago. A highly focused form of telepathic projection!!"

"I'm taking you down Brandon, you're history. I'm gonna finish you off in front of this whole crowd!" I whisper the threat to Brandon.

"Our first combat fight is Brandon and Riven!!!" The announcer said with excitement.

Me and Brandon looked at each other with seriousness. We mount on our dragons and our dragons flew in the air. Our dragons flying around in circles. Brandon got his boomerang out aiming at me.


I was fighting with the red haired girl. She thought I was some witch. How dare she call me a ugly witch!!!! I will show her that I'm a fairy!! She looked at me fiercely and she was glowing a red orange or red gleam. Me and the red haired girl was airborne as we were fighting. We was destroying the wood around the arena.

"Bloom?" Sky said with a confuse look.

"STAY AWAY FROM BRANDON!" The red haired girl yelled.

I flew a little bit, stopping and commands my jewels to shoot beams of energy at the red haired girl.

"Brandon?" I said weirdly.

"Huh?" The girl squint her eyes like she was misunderstanding something as she created a field around her blocking my diamond shards.

"You mean that little squire boy? HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! He's all yours!" I laughed.

The girl moved her hand and she shattered my crown. She smiled on victory.

"Nooooo!!!! My Crown Jewels!!! Urghhh!!" I exclaimed in sadness. "AHHH!"

I watched as my jewels fall off of my head and fall down to the dusty ground of the arena. The girl used this opportunity to blast me. That blast sent me plummeting down and landed on the sand.

"Gotcha!" The girl exclaimed.

The girl flew down to my level. Sky came run to me, helping me up.

"Diaspro!!!" Sky called me holding me.

"You know her?" The girl looked at Sky and then Brandon at astonishment.

"Oh you mean Sky?" I laughed.

I latched on to Sky. My arms were around Sky's waist as I smiled. The girl stared at him with disbelief and I wondered why?

"Brandon?" The girl mumbled in shock.

"You worthless fan! His name isn't Brandon! This is Sky, Prince of Eraklyon and my beloved fiance! Now you-!" I was cut off by Sky pulling me away from him as he was slowly walking to the girl.

Sky shoves past me, desperately wanting to explain to Bloom. I saw this reaction and I'm bit hurt now! I can't believe he went after her instead of worrying about me. The girl was crying and she felt hurt.

"Bloom, let me explain!!" Sky exclaimed with sadness.

"No you have to explain anything Prince Sky of Eraklyon!" The girl said sharply.

The girl flew up and out of the arena.  I held Sky close to me again but time I'm sad. He fell in love with another girl!

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